Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone


Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Itโ€™s terrible news.


Hard to believe how relentless this is, and some people are truly suffering. What youโ€™ve told us about janebabeโ€™s situation is very moving; many people will want to help the affected people (I just donโ€™t know what anyone can say about those towns in the brunt of it).


Good point about the funding pages; where a normal person with basic ethics will feel empathy and the desire to help, some unscrupulous cheating fraudsters will use disasters as an opportunity to con and scam.


For all in trouble this night,

Let you find safe haven;

let those who can help be your true neighbours,

Let your disaster be met with comfort;

We are with you in spirit and deed.
Our hearts and prayers are with you.



Message 71 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

People's hearts are in the right place, where they are wanting to donate preloved items to the victims. The sad reality is, most people don't want preloved items. I wouldn't want someone's old bed that's been sitting in their spare room for the last 20 years, or someone's used undies. I know that sounds selfish, but it's reality for a lot.


If people want to help, then they are far better making a donation to an authorised collector. Not something they see on social media. I read that Orange Ex-Services Club is taking cash donations, and gift vouchers. That way, people can go and buy what they need when they feel up to it. For now, the people of Eugowra need a roof over their head. They have lost everything. If anyone has a spare room, there are plenty of people who could sure use it.

Message 72 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

I read that Charles Sturt Uni has taken in 100 refugees, so that's a help

Message 73 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone


Just letting everyone know we are ok.  This is my front yard and the front street. But we are dry inside. Luckier than a lot of others.


We are blocked off from town and work.  My work is fine from flood, I just canโ€™t get there, but my husbands work has now been completely flooded twice in less than two weeksโ€ฆ. 

But, we still have everything, a blessing despite all that has tragically happened around here in the last 4 days. Such tragedy and heartbreaking events. 

Take care, folks. 


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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 74 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Thanks for updating Jane, I didn't want to say too much about your situation without your permission.


I just saw on the online ABC news that nurses are being taken to Forbes Hospital in boats! How awesome is that? I know that's not where you work, but it was so lovely to see that they had taken that into consideration. Many would be screaming "stuff that, give me flood leave", but the reality is, people are still getting sick and need to go to hospital. 


I wasn't aware that CSU had taken people in, as mentioned by Stawks. That is also great. Sadly, it can only be temporary. These people need long term accommodation until they can rebuild. There is an eatery in Orange who is donating X amount of "family meals" each night for people who have been displaced, or people who have opened their doors and given people a room in their home. I'm not sure how many X is, but I believe it's quite a bit. I think that's fantastic!


Once again, a reminder, DO NOT donate to any Go Fund Me's unless you are 150% sure it's legit. 

Message 75 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

So glad to hear you are safe. The yard looks shocking but the main blessing is that your house has not flooded. I do hope there is a break in the weather soon so the flood waters can recede.

I also hope you have some groceries stocked, enough to see you through for maybe a week.


Is the road outside your home a made road?


Take care and hoping things improve soon for you all.

Message 76 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Janebabe, sobering picture โ€” and as you say, your situation is luckier than some! How distressing that being surrounded by flood waters is almost normalisedโ€ฆ


Is there something in place with getting essentials to you? Any help you need, please say.



Message 77 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Springy, we are 2nd from the end of a dead-end street. Not a cul-de-sac. 

The water is now receding, thankfully, but we will be cut off from town for at least another 3 days. Iโ€™m not sure when I will get back to work. Probably not for 7 days Iโ€™d say. Even if the water is gone from my street, I canโ€™t get to the main CBD of town to head out to work via another town detour.
(1 hr drive each way) โ€ฆ. Iโ€™m actually zoned the 99yr flood zone, itโ€™s only been 70 yrs, I feel ripped off lol ๐Ÿ˜†โ€ฆ but 3 floods in 12mths and the last 2 in less than 2 weeks, Iโ€™m done! Everyone is done. Itโ€™s starting to weigh heavy in the heart now. 

We have plenty of foodโ€ฆ. Weโ€™ll stocked. Thank you.

The SES has been great too, delivering food items to folk in and around town who have been displaced or stuck. Some of the houses around here have water up to waist high. The destruction is devastating to see, especially on fb from photographers who have been posting drone videos ๐Ÿ˜ข


Like I said, we have been very lucky. Next door, not so lucky ๐Ÿ˜” with water coming into the front rooms of their house. We will go over once the water has gone and help them clean upโ€ฆ. A house of young adultsโ€ฆ. Lovely folk. 

That being said, itโ€™s not over yet. Rain forecasted for Saturday ๐Ÿ˜ซ


Thanks for all the well wishes Iโ€™ve been getting.  THANK YOU ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹

Edit:  Sons & Daughtersโ€ฆ. Thereโ€™s no such thing as flood relief with NSW Health.  Itโ€™s damn FACS leaveโ€ฆ. I used it last flood.  This will be given to me as LWOP ๐Ÿ˜”

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Be Kind To Nurses....
They Stop The Doctors From Killing You.
Message 78 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

It is great that you are safe, Jane, and that you are showing a true Aussie spirit!

The photo is sad with all the floodwater, but there is now also some blue sky and hope!

Message 79 of 96
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Weather - Eastern States: Good luck everyone

Glad to see you are safe and relatively dry - hope the coming rains don't add to your misery.


Also more than a bummer that your leave is LWOP


Thinking of you, and the many thousands that are displaced 



Message 80 of 96
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