on 11-04-2013 07:40 PM
Mine are fairly extensive:
We have fast, unlimited wireless that we pay a bomb for to run 4 computers plus numerous connected devices. Mobiles, Iphones, bluetooth etc.
Both adults connect to our offices in the city so we can work from home. In my case I transfer huge files between home and work. Both kids connect to school via their portals. All our music is downloaded. All our movies and TV shows are downloaded. We are all on social networks. The kids play connected internet games. All our bills are paid on line. Increasingly, our shopping is done on line and will soon get to a point where all of it will be.
Could I survive on a slow internet connection? Not on your life.
on 11-04-2013 07:41 PM
can I tell you about my laptop?
on 11-04-2013 07:42 PM
You can tell the whole of CS about your laptop. 😄
on 11-04-2013 07:45 PM
I have pretty fast broadband with a router that connects my laptop and phone wirelessly. It's good but I'd like it even faster. Like with an NBN or somefing. I also wish it was free.
on 11-04-2013 07:47 PM
Well it's new and
and and I got a virus.. 😮
and it took a photo of me 7:30am Saturday morning :_|
and I have a bandaid over the camera now because it cried a little bit when it had to take my photo 😞
Do you think someone in Nigeria now has my photo? 😮
on 11-04-2013 07:48 PM
on 11-04-2013 07:52 PM
Speed security and reliability are the main things.
I have no idea what my internet wants will be in the future, at the moment 500gigs not that many years ago it was 10,
This is funny
I would also like an iphone that is a watch.
on 11-04-2013 07:53 PM
Use of internet in this house: reading blogs, online news, reading forums, You tube, internet banking, Uni work, social media, online shopping....
The NBN service .... coming soon to my house.:-D
on 11-04-2013 07:58 PM
I have no idea what my internet wants will be in the future, at the moment 500gigs not that many years ago it was 10,
Not sure what our capacity is but hubby was telling friends at dinner recently that our download has increased 10 fold over the past year.
I don't have any more info cause the conversation was too boring to listen to lol.
on 11-04-2013 07:58 PM
Well it's new and
and and I got a virus.. 😮
and it took a photo of me 7:30am Saturday morning :_|
and I have a bandaid over the camera now because it cried a little bit when it had to take my photo 😞
Do you think someone in Nigeria now has my photo? 😮
why? did it have a wide angle lens?
I am happy with my ADSL2 with bigpond...... but... I want free internet.