What did I do so wrong

As many will know we lost our daughter in Oct 2013

Sunday at about 11:30pm we lost our son

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What did I do so wrong

My condolensces to you and your family,Hawk
Message 41 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

didnt even know you had kids, what happened hawk?

Signatures suck.
Message 42 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

@the_hawk* wrote:

As many will know we lost our daughter in Oct 2013

Sunday at about 11:30pm we lost our son

I know that no words will help, but hope that just knowing that we care for you and your family may be of some comfort.

I will keep you and your family in my prays.

Message 43 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

I am so sorry for your loss. Parents should never have to bury their kids.


Remember the joy, the laughter and the love.

Message 44 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

Beautiful words Kopen. Heart My deepest condolences Hawk.  I hope you  get through each day as best you can. There is no right or wrong way to grieve, whatever you are feeling it just is what it is. 


Message 45 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

Hawk, I'm so so very sorry for your loss,
I know now why God gave you such big shoulders, he knew the burden you were going to bare.
Thinking of you and your lovely wife.โค๏ธ
Why is life so cruel to the kindest folk?

Message 46 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

My sincere sympathy for your tragic loss hawk.

Two children taken is so much pain to bear.

Share your pain with those near and Dear and don't hold back your tears.....please come here when you need.


I love the people on here and have had much support on many occasions. The Spirit of Good is here:)


We hold your hands and acknowledge your pain.

Message 47 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

hawk, you know im not good with words but sending you and mrs hawk lots of love 

thinking of you both




Message 48 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

Not applicable

Oh hawk... please don't be hard on yourself. โ™ฅ 

sympathy xo

Our thoughts are with you and Mrs hawk during this difficult time. 

Love Di xo and Andrew 

Message 49 of 83
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What did I do so wrong

Like others, I have no words that could possibly help.


But I am sending condolences to you and your wife. Stay strong.

Message 50 of 83
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