What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Think I will go and play two up, lost on the pokies tonight so want to get that back. Smiley Very Happy

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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Community Member

@margomeoz wrote:

Think I will go and play two up, lost on the pokies tonight so want to get that back. Smiley Very Happy

Where can you play two-up on Australia Day?




We usually go to Australia Day concert organised by our Council and stay for  fireworks on the river.

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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

In bed. Antibiotics, book and waited on
Message 12 of 40
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

driving... all day... then working on Monday all day. 

Message 13 of 40
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Community Member
Also working Monday. Australia Day is usually lazing in Mums pool til it's time to go down to the local fireworks. This year were having dinner with friends and watching the fireworks from the restaurant.
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Driving home from a couple of days with the fam. Then probably go to the beach for a ew hours and a BBQ tonight.

Creator of the Most Awesome Thread Topic EVER
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?



You can come here and play two up, I always thought you went out with your sister on Australia Day so didn't think to invite you ๐Ÿ™‚

Message 16 of 40
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Today is special for me. I gave birth to my son 36 years ago.

Message 17 of 40
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

@sarah308 wrote:

oohhh margo i am so glad you havent changed and are still the same margo i knew..... i see you are still donating to the clubs and supporting the poker machines.


as far as playing 2up margo thats april 25 ANZAC day   not australia day   you do remember ANZAC day dont you margo  ๐Ÿ™‚


Silly me, I didn't know there were rules governing how people should celebrate australia day, are there any others?


Message 18 of 40
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

@boris1gary wrote:

@sarah308 wrote:

oohhh margo i am so glad you havent changed and are still the same margo i knew..... i see you are still donating to the clubs and supporting the poker machines.


as far as playing 2up margo thats april 25 ANZAC day   not australia day   you do remember ANZAC day dont you margo  ๐Ÿ™‚


Silly me, I didn't know there were rules governing how people should celebrate australia day, are there any others?



I think what sarah was saying was that it is  legal to play two-up on Anzac Day only.  I dont think there are any other rules, as far as I know...



Message 19 of 40
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Re: What do all the regulars here do for Australia Day? anything special?

Well as it turns out I had a little bit of bad luck, my husband ended in a bad mood because of it so I went to the movies with a friend.


Really starting to worry about the amount of things I forget and hopoe it is just because i have so many things at once on my mind.


We were getting ready to go to the club and my husband looked out the window and said the car is gone, I said gone where what do you mean, he said it is not in the driveway, we called the police and reported it stolen and sat around waiting for something to happen.


2 hours later I remembered where the car was I had driven over to the shoop because I had to get a few heavy things, forgot I had driven and walked home.


This is not the first time I have done this.


So hubby was not happy and I went out.


I did not think to ring you Donna I would have come over might see what you are doing tomorrow.

Message 20 of 40
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