What do you collect?

Looking around the house, I have decided I need a bloody good clean out!!!!


I collect books and Star Wars


Hubbs collects cars (of which I am guilty of also)


Daughter collects LOTR weta


And dont get me started on my clothes cupboard.....big cleanout this weekend methinks... time to live simpler

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What do you collect?

I have got about 8 pieces of Swarovski, mostly birds. My favourite is the birdbath with a bird on the side of it.

I also have a few Lilliput Lane houses.

I seem to stop collecting same type items before they reach big numbers. No room for them, to hard to pack up when moving house, not sure..but I tend to think I have enough of them now.

Message 411 of 440
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What do you collect?

@mainecoon1 wrote:

I collect Swarovski crystal, I have been collecting it for 29 years, my OH (was my fiance then) bought me the swan for my birthday and I have been hooked ever since.  The last time I catalogued my collection I had 501 pieces.


My favourits are the cats, birds and lovlots, I have about 100 in my cabinets in the house, the rest are in their boxes downstairs in the garage, once a year I clean out the cabinets and rotate the crystal.

Wow the sparkle in your cabinets must be amazing mainecoon do you have special lighting for them?..I love Swarovski crystal but a bit costly for meSmiley Sad

Message 412 of 440
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What do you collect?

mucking about with the camera today, these are some of my tatty dolls.....



Message 413 of 440
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What do you collect?


Message 414 of 440
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What do you collect?


Message 415 of 440
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What do you collect?

Boris,  if I'd only known.   Just sold a pair of Polish folk dancers

dating from the 1950's.  Look a lot like the dolls in 2nd photo. Same face


Or did you buy 'em?

Message 416 of 440
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What do you collect?


Look what I go today The sticker said old imperial "scroll embossed"


Message 417 of 440
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What do you collect?

Is that a copper thing or a carnival glass thing?

Message 418 of 440
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What do you collect?


  surprise smiley    Noice                  clapping smiley.gif



Well done.    (pssst  cost much?)

Message 419 of 440
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What do you collect?

@imastawka wrote:

Boris,  if I'd only known.   Just sold a pair of Polish folk dancers

dating from the 1950's.  Look a lot like the dolls in 2nd photo. Same face


Or did you buy 'em?

She came from Nevada, I just checked the seller....bugger, I haven't brought any for awhile, now I feel the urge. It got way out of control for a bit. After it became obvious there wasn't any room left for any more, Mr Boris declared (Woman LOL ) that I had to stop or at least slow down . Laughing (slightly hysterically) I told him, sure, just after the 160 that were on there way arrived.Woman LOL

Message 420 of 440
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