What do you think of this?

What are your thoughts on this article?




Even given the fact some of it is media hype (she didn't say she wanted more children for the centrelink payment, just that she wanted more kids), I don't know that I like the sense of entitlement.


There seems to be an attitude that it is expensive to raise children (which is true) therefore 'the government' (ie taxpayers) should be doing more to help out.

This woman already makes her partner live elsewhere so they can both get the single parent supplement.


To my way of thinking, it is important to have a welfare safety net for those who have sickness, disability etc.

But when it comes to having children, I think a lot of the extra benefits should cut out after 2 or maybe 3 children. So that a person knew if they had more, their welfare payments would not go up.


I do understand that if this woman goes out to work, her benefits will go down, but at the same time, I am not sure it is fair for her to expect that if she has another 3-4 children, that taxpayers should have to pick up the tab.


Also, I may be reading it wrong, but did she say she was given a $3000 supplement because she had her children immunised (at not cost) & the supplement was because she had finally done it after getting behind?


if that is true, then that sort of thing annoys me as it means all the people who do the right thing get nothing extra while those who don't, get a bribe.

Might it not be better to turn it around? All those who get the immunisations on time to get a small supplement? Maybe a $50 or $100 bonus?

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Re: What do you think of this?

Honored Contributor

Springy, as I understand it, the payment is for each immunisation, and you get it with the Family Tax Benefit.


For each immunisation the child does not have, you get less money per fortnight.


My daughter's doctor did not report the correct immunisations for her son to the Health Department and now she gets $27 fortnight less for the doctor's mistake.


The boy's immunisations are up to date, but not according to current records held by the government.


We don't know how to correct it.  Giving the kid extra immunisation doesn't seem right somehow.

Message 2 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?

@imastawka wrote:

Springy, as I understand it, the payment is for each immunisation, and you get it with the Family Tax Benefit.


For each immunisation the child does not have, you get less money per fortnight.


My daughter's doctor did not report the correct immunisations for her son to the Health Department and now she gets $27 fortnight less for the doctor's mistake.


The boy's immunisations are up to date, but not according to current records held by the government.


We don't know how to correct it.  Giving the kid extra immunisation doesn't seem right somehow.

dont you get a record of what your child is given when you have imunisations done?

can the doctor not just update the records to make them correct?


as for women having more babys in order to get more money thats been going on since the 70's when the payments first started, not exactly sure.

my view has been for a long time, its should stop at 2, unless the person is fostering. but even then there would be enforced welfare/medical checks on the fostered kids to see they were in a good home.

Message 3 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?


What concerns me about this story is a little aside from the purpose of the article.

Sometimes we are eager to be critical of people with an intellectual disability or

mental illness who are permitted to become parents. We go on about their limited

ability to properly care for children and we argue that something needs to be done

about it. But there is no screening process to assess whether so called "normal"

people are fit and have the capacity to be safe and loving parents.


To suggest that she may have agreed to her children being immunised for the

money and that she makes her partner live elsewhere so they can both get the single

parent supplement, suggests money is central to her values as a parent. But what

about the health of her children and the impact of not having her partner share

the tough responsibilities and be present in the children's home environment

and lives. Isn't health, safety, happiness and a future that which a "normal"

parent would want and try to nurture for their children?


I realise I am somewhat making assumptions about this woman. But for me the article

caused alarm bells about the destiny of the children, especially if she does go on 

and add more to the family number. But I bet you no one in authority will intervene

and/or question her fitness or capacity to make responsible decisions about having 

more babies. Raising just one child is a mammoth and challenging responsibility,

even for the best and well intentioned people!


Message 4 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?

dont you get a record of what your child is given when you have imunisations done?

can the doctor not just update the records to make them correct?


The doctor is supposed to advise the Health Department at the time.  She never did.


We know his immunisations are up to date, but this doctor is apparently slack.


You get a booklet to say which immunisations the kid has had, but that's not good enough it seems.   It has to be on file with the Department.


She didn't even write it in his records on file at the time, so she can't fix it either.  


We trusted her.    This was 10 years ago now.


Nothing we can do now.









Message 5 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?

It's selfish and greedy to have so many children.


Because of her, others can't have children.

image host
Message 6 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?

I wholeheartedly agree with you, not for sale.

The fact she has 'given custody' of one of the children to the partner so he too can get the single parent pension is sad. It means the children are split up, the parents aren't sharing some of the important times and I don't think it is a great example to the children, either.



The mother's attitude to money, as you say, seems to rule all, yet she isn't prepared to actually work hard to earn any. It is all about her rights and none of her responsibilities.

That's why I think that after a certain number of children, the extra welfare should cut off.

Message 7 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?

@imastawka wrote:

dont you get a record of what your child is given when you have imunisations done?

can the doctor not just update the records to make them correct?


The doctor is supposed to advise the Health Department at the time.  She never did.


We know his immunisations are up to date, but this doctor is apparently slack.


You get a booklet to say which immunisations the kid has had, but that's not good enough it seems.   It has to be on file with the Department.


She didn't even write it in his records on file at the time, so she can't fix it either.  


We trusted her.    This was 10 years ago now.


Nothing we can do now.









well, my vetenary keeps better records than that!

Message 8 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?

David, I might also point out that this same Doc missed my hubby's prostate cancer.


He got another opinion and it was so aggressive, that had he not, he would've been gone

in 3 months.


She should be keel-hauled IMO - to put it nicely.

Message 9 of 10
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Re: What do you think of this?



@kopenhagen5 wrote:

It's selfish and greedy to have so many children.


Because of her, others can't have children.


People should have as many children as they can afford to support.


However, the woman in this case should be looking towards the father(s) of her children for support, not the taxpayer.





Message 10 of 10
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