What happened to 'Diversity is our strength'?

Abbott Government’s $545m program to fight radicalisation and terror with true blue Aussie values


TAXPAYERS are funding a half-billion-dollar program to teach migrants Australian values and English, provide accommodation services and help them access welfare to support efforts to prevent radicalisation.


In a bid to stop a repeat of last year’s Martin Place attack, the federal government will also train police, prison guards and teachers in how to identify extremists.




What happened to that old trope ‘diversity is our strength’? I thought we jettisoned our standards and ideals in order to accept indigestible migrants and alleged refugees? If the taxpayers are going to fund a half-billion-dollar program to civilise certain migrants and alleged refugees we had better get some positive results. Will the money be added to the cost of multiculturalism or national defence?


Turnbull touts Australia's cultural diversity


Opposition Communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull says Australia ranks as the most successful immigrant nation on the planet.


"We believe that one of Australia's greatest strengths is its cultural diversity. We are the most successful immigrant country in the world," he said.


"We have achieved an extraordinary degree of harmonious integration of people from every possible culture in the world.



Yes Malcolm, it's such a raging success that we're still throwing taxpayers' money at it.


Harmony Day: "Diversity is our strength"


About 300 staff, volunteers and clients celebrated Australia’s cultural diversity on Harmony Day, with a halal sausage barbecue, music, dancing and a game of soccer.


At the event on Friday, March 21, Settlement Services International Humanitarian Services Delivery Manager Yamamah Agha said the message for people to consider was that “everyone belongs”.




Harmony Day? More like Hoodwink Day.

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Re: What happened to 'Diversity is our strength'?

Community Member

The UK poured billions into the exact same thing and it didn't work, was riddled with thieves and rorted to the extent that they had to finally shut it down.


It's not our responsiblity to make sure ethnics raise their children  not be terrorists, we are not the parenting police, and I really don't want to squander millions on teaching anybody how to raise their children.


This is another misstep from Abbott and he will rue it.


This is another backdown to ethnic minorities in the hope that they won't hurt us.

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Re: What happened to 'Diversity is our strength'?

Nothing happened to it. Diversity was never strength. Not ever.


Unity is strength.


Diversity is fragmenting.

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