What's in a name? Extreme Brown!


Please treat this post as a community service announcement - it's ben put up in good faith, in the hope it can assist others.


For several years now, I've been suffering osteoarthritis in both knees, having had 5 ops to remove all articular and meniscal cartilage - so the bones are gradually grinding themselves down, and the discomfort's well, pretty bad at times.

Latley, both thumbs are starting to play up as well, and grip strength has reduced substantially - pill bottles are out of the question!

I've existed on diclofenac tablets to get thru particularly bad days. Trouble is, diclofenac's not too good for the kidneys - which are on the blink due to diabetes.


Hang on! It's not all bad!


Last weekend, I was wandering around a local market, and came across a gent selling little bottles of love potion no9 - well, no, they were called...wait for it - "Extreme Brown!" Yep - atrocious name!

Yeah - I though the same, too. Anyway, after my first thoughts about snake oil salesmen, I allowed him to rub a little into my right knee and left thumb. I left the stall, with absolutley no pressure to buy, and came back an hour later to buy, as the pain had diminished by 60-70%!


No, I don't believe all the sales hype, as I was a salesperson for many years, so I know the tricks. So whether this stuff actually does some good, or just masks the pain, I don't know and don't care. I just know that the freedom from pain feels pretty darn good!


But seriously, 5-8 drops every morning and night, massaged in, has , in 5 days...

a) reduced swelling in the joints, and

b) Eased the pain so much, that I can walk more than 500m at a stretch. Jars and bottles are no longer an issue for the thumbs, either.


It's all natural as far as I can tell, but as with any proprietary concoction, the actual ingredients are secret. Google 'extreme brown' for more info.


Feel free to abuse me and call it psychosomatic B/S - I really don't care - but if there are other arthritis sufferers out there, and I know there's at least a few, you too might benefit. Most people I know reckon I'm the biggest skeptic they know.

Message 1 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

wasn't that the hooker that got Hugh Grant in trouble ?

Message 11 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

I'll be interested to see, too.

Personally, I didn't believe a word of what the salesman told me, but wow - results speak for themselves!

There's still pain there, but it seems somehow muted - but doesn't persist, and allows me to function. As others have said, there may well be some armica in it, but most of the ingredients aren't advertised.

Not cheap at $50 for 50ml, but so far I've had 5 relatively pain-free days - so it's already paid for itself as far as I'm concerned!


Now if I could just sell a bit more on ebay, I could buy another bottle!

Message 12 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

So glad you've found something that works for you - who cares what it's called or why it works. I have osteoarthritis too, - I cant make a fist any longer and my knees make graunchy noises when I bend them - but fortunately no severe pain ......  yet

And hopefully not for some time, either!


The doc's been at me for some time to book in for knee replacements - but as worn as they are, these are MY knees...and I want to hang onto 'em for as long as I can!

Message 13 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

@lal-au0 wrote:

$80 for 100ml mmmhhh...




bit much just for some vitamins. i wonder what else is in there.

That's the one! (although as a cheapskate and skeptic, I only bought the 50ml bottle - even after the application, and it working, I was still dubious). I assumed that if it was all pyschosomatic, I was only down 50 bucks - but 5 days in, and still pretty damn good!.



Message 14 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

so what's in it?


vitamins and silicon don't do anything.


lignocaine? cocaine-lotion? valium?

Message 15 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

@lal-au0 wrote:

so what's in it?


vitamins and silicon don't do anything.


lignocaine? cocaine-lotion? valium?

I know as much as you. There's nothing on the internet apart from their own websites - which don't say much.

I guess if they advertised the ingredients, everyone would be able to make their own.


As I've said before, I'm the world's biggest skeptic - but it appears to be having a lasting, or cumulative effect - unlike lignocaine or other topical steroids.

Message 16 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

have a smell of the potion, it may be derived from cloves.

Cloves are a local anesthetic as long as it is not an open wound and then they sting.


You can try making your own potion by grinding cloves up and mixing them with hand cream, that too is brown 🙂


I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 17 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

Already told you what was likely in it. 

Message 18 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

Evil, knee replacement is a great life changer. My previous husband had both knees replaced and after the initial healing process and excercises, he could walk, climb stairs and bend his knees without any pain. The only thing he could not do, was kneel in Church as the angle of the bend was not deep enough. But he was pain free, and so were a couple of my friends after knee replacement surgery.


I have Osteoporosis in my spine and the back of my neck, also osteoarthritis in my ankles and hands, but $100.- for a 100ml bottle I could not afford. Seems like all other help and cures are only for the wealthy ones, not for the poor.


Oh well, I will keep taking Panadol Osteo and my trusty hotwater bottle. On really bad days I have Tramedo to take or my Doctor will give me some Morphine patches to wear. I just hope that your new friend has his magic cure patented before someone analyses the contents and produces the same cure under a diffeerent name. The big pharmaceutical manufacturers don't like small individuals to muscle in on their profit making.



Message 19 of 51
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Re: What's in a name? Extreme Brown!

Thanks Erica...most people have told me how much better life is after knee replacement - but I'm still wary.


Mind you, after 5 knee ops, removal of a cancerous thyroid, several 6cm X 3cm melanomas dug out of my back, a steel rod in my forearm, (not enough bone left to mend), and a triple bypass, followed by a serious golden staph infection, and others I've since forgotten, you'd reckon I was a surgery junkie!


But the knees? I dunno.


I hope one day that Extreme Brown, (god, I hate that name), will be sold way cheaper than it is currently - for people like yourself.


BTW, he's not a friend, just somenoe I met at the local flea market. I hope there is someone who can get it out cheaper.

Message 20 of 51
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