What will happen to the Labor Luvies

Community Member

What will happen to the dedicated one eyed obsessive Labor Luvies on here after Tony becomes our next PM in September?  (or before?)


Yes he will become the next PM and even the most die hard luvvies know that their party is doomed at the election no matter who leads it.... Labor is heading to the political wasteland...and Tony will be our new PM 


So what will happen to the luvvies?


Will their lives be shattered? 


Will their deep seated hatred of the evil AbbottAbbottAbbott continue to fester and consume them


Will they slink off and lick their wounds for the next decade or 2 while their beloved labor party rots in he political wilderness?


Will they slide into the depths of deep depression and despair?


Will they seek professional physiatric help after the election? 


What will happen to them?  I do wonder





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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies

Next 2 decades more like. And what will the luvvies do? don't know don't care.


This week should be fun, there will be no let up on Conroy & JG will come out of it looking foolish but she'll do what she usually does when it hits the fan...disappear.

Message 11 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies

Community Member

Or they just create a heap of IDs so it looks like there's a heap of support... When in actuality, it's always the same few drones.


do you have some sort of inside information?





Message 12 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies

same few libflunkie drones, many id's, paid per post, would sure make a motza 'ere.



Message 13 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies

That'd scrape even liberal ethical boundaries.

Message 14 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies

do you all think I''m a "libflunkie drone".....:^O:^O  or just loie?

Message 15 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies


Though the reality is that each of us is an individual with our own minds which seems to be forgotten at times.


Not forgotten, some on both sides think so arrogantly that only they are right, and that any criticism is against their peferred party is a personal attack.



Message 16 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies


Not forgotten, some on both sides think so arrogantly that only they are right, and that any criticism is against their peferred party is a personal attack.



yes... perhaps so but then, the rest of us get very tired of the same old threads and posts denigrating people on their looks/attire/hair etc......

Message 17 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies


yes... perhaps so but then, the rest of us get very tired of the same old threads and posts denigrating people on their looks/attire/hair etc......


Which also comes from both sides.

Message 18 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies

I am sure more people would tolerate the political threads, if the content was worth reading or being involved in.

Message 19 of 28
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Re: What will happen to the Labor Luvies

I tolerate, and keeping looking for a balanced discussion. .....alas....not to be had. Them versus us and never the twain shall meet.

Message 20 of 28
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