on 17-09-2013 12:27 PM
What about Innovation? Research? Ageing?
Or even Tourism?
And how come Arts gets lumbered in with the Attorney Generals busy portfolio?
Yet Border Protection gets it's own ministry rather than falling under the obvious category of Defence. An entire ministry for a handful of people that apparently aren't going to be coming here anymore?
on 18-09-2013 10:08 PM
Interesting article and comments about Abbott
on 18-09-2013 10:13 PM
on 18-09-2013 10:17 PM
on 18-09-2013 10:28 PM
You know what?
And you take Rupes words for the truth while laughing at those who read a variety of sources.
18-09-2013 10:30 PM - edited 18-09-2013 10:32 PM
@izabsmiling wrote:
@catmad*2013 wrote:Why was Greenland called Greenland when it is covered in snow... and now that it is going green again and the people can start to grow their own food and not have to import it all how is that a bad thing?
Over the past 30 years the ice cap melting has increased by about 30%.
if the ice caps completely melt the ocean levels may rise enough to flood major cities
Isn't it strange that the ice caps have been melting and they have said that the sea level would rise yet in fact the sea level has dropped... apparently they think it is because Australia is like a big sponge....
on 18-09-2013 10:42 PM
@freakiness wrote:You know what?
And you take Rupes words for the truth while laughing at those who read a variety of sources.
oh no, not at all. i was laughing at that particular "independent information alternative"
on 18-09-2013 10:47 PM
@**meep** wrote:
@freakiness wrote:You know what?
And you take Rupes words for the truth while laughing at those who read a variety of sources.
oh no, not at all. i was laughing at that particular "independent information alternative"
What do you feel qualifies you better to comment than the writer?
on 18-09-2013 10:49 PM
common sense
on 18-09-2013 10:51 PM
@the*f*word wrote:common sense
It is obvious none of you who are mocking actually read the article.
on 18-09-2013 10:59 PM
awww freaky, it's the internet, you're not meant to take any of it seriously, it's just marks on a screen, although you get to see em faster than most cos you've got NBN!