Why People Are Rude Online


IF you’ve ever ventured into the comments section of a news story online you’ll notice a fairly even split of considered responses and outright hatred. There is rarely an exception.


You might’ve heard the phrase “keyboard warriors”— a fitting description for those fighting a rightous cause hunched over their qwerty.


But have you ever stopped to consider why people feel invincinble online? Or why they get so angry? A study in the US helps explain half of it.


Arthur Santana, a communications professor at the University of Houston, analysed hundreds of comments on stories from the Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and USA Today.


His findings, published in the New Yorker, revealed a “perceptible difference” in the nature of comments from users who revealed their identity and those who posted anonymously.


Of the hundreds of comments, 53 per cent of anonymous commenters were uncivil, as opposed to only 29 per cent of non-anonymous commenters. Their behaviour is rooted in three words: Online. Disinhibition. Effect.


Entire Article Here


"fighting a rightous cause hunched over their qwerty." I guess that makes me a "keyboard warrior" lol. I try to be civil, though.

Message 1 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

and you just swallowed the hook


Like a catfish? Woman LOL

Message 11 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

@the_great_she_elephant wrote:

I think it's a variation on Godwin's Theory. when someone resorts to personal abuse and name-calling, it's a sign they've lost the argument.

Certainly is.

Message 12 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

@am*3 wrote:

and you just swallowed the hook


Like a catfish? Woman LOL


Message 13 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

@bright.ton42 wrote:

I think people can become passionate about their beliefs and it can come across as rudeness. Same in real life. 


Others are just plain rude.


I really believe that people can be passionate in their beliefs without having to resort to rudeness.

Message 14 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

You are a perfect example of that Deb.  I'm in awe sometimes at the way you can shrug of others nastiness.



Message 15 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

thanks Joono, having a sense of humour sure helps  Woman LOL

Message 16 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

Awww, now ya see, I can't do that.


I bang away furiously at the keyboard,  yelling at the monitor and then......




hit  'cancel'


Then I feel better  - try doing that in real life

Message 17 of 18
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Re: Why People Are Rude Online

@debra9275 wrote:

@bright.ton42 wrote:

I think people can become passionate about their beliefs and it can come across as rudeness. Same in real life. 


Others are just plain rude.


I really believe that people can be passionate in their beliefs without having to resort to rudeness.

Yes good point, one would hope so. 

Message 18 of 18
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