Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Obviously the money has got to come from somewhere. Where do you want to take it from???

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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

I'm not hearing any solutions just whinging.  Abott simply has to say the situation he came into is a lot worst than he thought and he has no choice but to break his promise. 

Message 91 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Deb, there are 3 version of truth, side 1's version, side 2's version and somewhere in between is the actual truth :smileyhappy:

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 92 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

I dont understand what everyone is talking about.....................starving people?  I dont think so,

Message 93 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

most economists disagree. when i;m dead i can't service debt. a country can . debt and borrowings keep the world economies turning over .. if it stops the real problems start.

Message 94 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@crystal**flake wrote:

I dont understand what everyone is talking about.....................starving people?  I dont think so,

under 30's.. no dole for 6 months

Message 95 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

The solution., maybe they just should've,increased GST across the board, everybody pays that .

IMO it would've been a better move than to take money off people who can least afford it.
Message 96 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

..For a start, Hockey inflated the old year's deficit by choosing to make a payment of $8.8 billion to the Reserve Bank. This is just the government moving money between its pockets; it has no effect on demand.

If you ignore the one-off payment to the Reserve, the expected improvement in the budget deficit falls to $11.3 billion, which is equivalent to 0.7 per cent of GDP - but that's still a quite significant degree of contraction.





Message 97 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

good for you .  do pensioners have to do it all again ? is that a reasonable expectation ? i don't think so and i've done (and still do ) both .

Message 98 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@debra9275 wrote:
The solution., maybe they just should've,increased GST across the board, everybody pays that .

IMO it would've been a better move than to take money off people who can least afford it.

that's a stupid idea. Do you not think it'll affect those least able to afford it as well? Next. 

Message 99 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

LL when a country can not service its debt it IS dead and its bones get picked over by the creditors

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 100 of 301
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