Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Obviously the money has got to come from somewhere. Where do you want to take it from???

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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Debt is nothing to be proud of Deb

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 81 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

the point is, it is not a huge debt as we are being led to believe

Message 82 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Deb, there are 3 version of truth, side 1's version, side 2's version and somewhere in between is the actual truth ๐Ÿ™‚


People side with which ever appeals to then most.

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 83 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

What is your version then?
Message 84 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

Low-income couples with children and single parents will bear the brunt of the Abbott Government's first budget, losing up to 15 per cent of their disposable income when the measures hit in full, according to independent modelling.

The findings from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) at Canberra University stand in contrast to the Government's insistence that the budget is "fair" and "shares the burden".

NATSEM principal research fellow Ben Phillips has studied the effects of the budget and says it is "not fair at all".


and there lies the problem .

Message 85 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

I dont have a version  ๐Ÿ™‚

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
Message 86 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@debra9275 wrote:

the point is, it is not a huge debt as we are being led to believe

We're not talking about the debt a couple has due to buying a house. I think the analogy between the Government being like a business is accurate. You have to keep treading water in order to not go under. Do you attack those "rich" people who are providing jobs for those who can't ever attain the level of the "rich"? Or do you try and cut the fat and keep things running? Idealism is great, it's just not practical.

Message 87 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

OK I'll put it a different way then, what are the figures you believe to be the correct ones ?
Message 88 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@lakeland27 wrote:

Low-income couples with children and single parents will bear the brunt of the Abbott Government's first budget, losing up to 15 per cent of their disposable income when the measures hit in full, according to independent modelling.

The findings from the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling (NATSEM) at Canberra University stand in contrast to the Government's insistence that the budget is "fair" and "shares the burden".

NATSEM principal research fellow Ben Phillips has studied the effects of the budget and says it is "not fair at all".


and there lies the problem .

Well, have they lived it? I've lived both. We didn't starve. Didn't have all the latest phones/tech/foxtel, but we were housed, fed, clothed and comfortable. 

Message 89 of 301
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Why are we blaming Hockey and Abott?

@poddster wrote:

Debt is nothing to be proud of Deb

If my Pop was alive he'd be hitting anyone and everyone who dared support a plan to starve Aussies for 6 months ..I can see him doing it from his wheel chair now .

After all he and his fellow diggers went through...because of hate,greed and deluded thinking 

He said we must never forget...and yet it is happening in his own Country.He'd spit chips and he'd do harm.He  would have done that over our treatment and attitude to Asylum seekers too.He'd give a mouthful

and I would applaud and respect him for it.


Message 90 of 301
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