Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

Why do people live beyond their means, especially those on welfare?


Sure, people can spend money on whatever they want but how many times have you seen people who are supposedly struggling financially with nice phones/clothes ordering at takeaways/restaurants when they should be saving and eating at home. 

How about those who have children to feed, yet they're happy to spend their welfare money on alcohol and ciggies?


Can poor people justify spending money on non-essentials?


Message 1 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

@banie-jim wrote:

Would you be tickety-boo with others imposing all such suggestions upon you and yours if you lost your job/ ability to work? Fun in the judging, but not in the being-judged when in misfortune, methinks. Question: do horrible people know how others see them, or don't they care?

What on earth are you asking of Bidi.


He is a US poster - banned from his own forum - so posts here in Aus.



Message 51 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

... Wow, I truly can't make head-or-tail of what you just wrote, Bob, It's so badly constructed! Please know I am judging the hell out of your lack of literacy, figuring it's proof of your low IQ. That OK with you, Bob? I guess you don't want your gosh-durned tax-dollars subsidising education or a public health system, am I right? Let me guess, more police-powers and border-walls top your list? Where were you on Jan 6?

Message 52 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

No, one quite imagines that you wouldn't, Bob.  You must be very proud of that witticism! what did the other children in your class think?

Message 53 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

So, your first ever time to these boards and you drag up a zombie thread for no reason other than to rant - well done

Message 54 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

Wot larks, eh? I'm behind the US for banning him, all the way! Where was HE on Jan 6, I wonder?


Message 55 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

@banie-jim wrote:

Wot larks, eh? I'm behind the US for banning him, all the way! Where was HE on Jan 6, I wonder?


Where were you when this thread was still breathing?


Read the dates of threads please.

Message 56 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

Hi people


Just a reminder about the Community Guidelines... especially

Be respectful.  Content that is harmful, hostile, threatening, abusive, baiting, vulgar, defamatory, harassing, or includes hate or racist speech, name calling, or profanity will be edited or removed.  


eBay Moderation Team

Message 57 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

Spot on, O righteous one! Was looking for an answer to something quite mundane, came upon this spectacularly crass comment and lost my **bleep**!  You're right, I've wasted enough time here, but gee I've enjoyed these meaningless exchanges!

Message 58 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

@banie-jim wrote:

... Wow, I truly can't make head-or-tail of what you just wrote, Bob, It's so badly constructed! Please know I am judging the hell out of your lack of literacy, figuring it's proof of your low IQ. That OK with you, Bob? I guess you don't want your gosh-durned tax-dollars subsidising education or a public health system, am I right? Let me guess, more police-powers and border-walls top your list? Where were you on Jan 6?

"what you just wrote"?????

FGS it was posted 6 months ago.


Your lack of "literacy" & "low IQ" are showing.

Message 59 of 71
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Re: Why do poor people buy expensive or unnecessary things?

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

Why do people live beyond their means, especially those on welfare?


Sure, people can spend money on whatever they want but how many times have you seen people who are supposedly struggling financially with nice phones/clothes ordering at takeaways/restaurants when they should be saving and eating at home. 

How about those who have children to feed, yet they're happy to spend their welfare money on alcohol and ciggies?


Can poor people justify spending money on non-essentials?




Sometimes the frustration of being poor causes folk to buy things to make themselves feel better. And yes, often it is beyond their means. Gambling is another issue. Poor people sometimes gamble but not only to win something that can change their fortune for the better but also to take time out from the feeling of being poor.

Message 60 of 71
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