Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

Gayle Woodford's killer Dudley Davey to spend 32 years behind bars




so why when a person is found guilty of murder do we not take their freedom away forever? a murderer has robed another of their life, robbed that persons family of a loved on for life and robbed society of a persons contribution for life.


particularly when there are no good reasons for the murder, it was committed just because.....well no reason really.

Message 1 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

Not aimed at anyone in particular, but some of you must have lived pretty sheltered, safe, simple, untroubled lives. ( lucky you !!! ) . Life isnt just black and white for many others. It is all the shades of grey with a little bit of red thrown in for good measure.


Some people are just plain evil and nothing will ever change them. For many others who are commit murder and other serious crimes there is a whole range of tragic life problems and circumstances that have led them to that point. Push most people hard and far enough and we could all do things we wouldnt believe possible. Place us in a war camp for several years, ( or just war ), have a partner who mentally denigrates you and rapes and beats you regularly, find yourself struck down with mental illness that makes you paranoid and delusional.


 Most of us are capable of just about anything if pushed beyond our capacity to endure. Even murder.  Its just that thankfully, few of us are ever abused and damaged enough to see murder as the only option. Its very easy when you are sitting in your cosy arm chair next to the fire to sit in judgement of those less fortunate.

Message 11 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

So, is a drunken sot who fatally head-ons a family of four on the freeway less culpable than, say the individual on the Portland MAX who knifed three men who were defending two muslim girls?

Message 12 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

@davidc4430 wrote:

this case is a perfect example, just hang the creep,

26 years? i have to feed and clothe him for 26 years?


Zahra Abrahimzadeh murder: Coroner critical of SA police domestic violence procedures



this is surely a better example isn't it?




or any of these?










Message 13 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

@lyndal1838 wrote:

I am sure there are times when most of us would like to be uncivilised.....like when a cold blooded killer gets little more than a slap on the wrist.Smiley Mad





















































































































































































































































































did you fall asleep on the enter key?

Message 14 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

@this-one-time-at-bandcamp wrote:

So, is a drunken sot who fatally head-ons a family of four on the freeway less culpable than, say the individual on the Portland MAX who knifed three men who were defending two muslim girls?

I,ve got no idea, and neither do any of the other arm chair experts on this panel. Until you sit through all of the court proceedings and have the full story, rather than the 30 second, beat up media grab, we,re not really in a position to judge.


My comments are not defending any particular case, or the judiciary, they where meant to point out that things are often a lot more complex than the media ( outrage ) often makes them out to be. We never know how we would react in a situation until we have been placed in it. Most of us are capable of killing another human being................. Not You ???


What about all of the bakers and teachers and posties that where ordered to go to war in WW1 & WW2. Ordinary people, plucked off of the streets and placed in extraordinary circumstances. They where handed 303 rifles, often with little training, put on a boat to a foreign country and told to go and kill people.................. And they did it.


Was it murder or heroism ???   ...........It was ordinary people placed in extraordinary conditions, handed a gun and offered little choice. If they didn't shoot first they, their friends and eventually possibly family and nation would be shot.


Some people live in their own little private war zone, often that no-one else knows about. Blanket statements inferring "they took some-one elses life SO SHOOT EM  ALL !!!  are a little too simplistic and naive. 

Message 15 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?


I think we need to be careful not to believe that the media reports on a murder are the absolute evidence. We sometimes get caught up in it, emotional and behave like the judge and jury. We tend to be a society who supports or demands (on occasions) an "eye for an eye" or a "pound of flesh". I guess that's easy to do from a distance. But I think we need to remember that the system sometimes gets it wrong, even when we were screaming out "hang the bast***" or "lock him/her up for life".





Message 16 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

No, I didn't fall asleep....I have no idea what happened.  It makes a nice little interlude in the thread, doesn't it?Smiley LOL

Message 17 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

@lyndal1838 wrote:

No, I didn't fall asleep....I have no idea what happened.  It makes a nice little interlude in the thread, doesn't it?Smiley LOL

I took it for invisible ink.


Tried lemon juice but it didn't work.

Message 18 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

@lyndal1838 wrote:

No, I didn't fall asleep....I have no idea what happened.  It makes a nice little interlude in the thread, doesn't it?Smiley LOL

I got really excited, scrolling down and down expecting to find something really special. And then nuffin! Man Frustrated

Message 19 of 24
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Re: Why isnt it life when you murder someone?

Sorry about that.


I had it happen once before but it did not take nearly as long to scroll down.

I seem to be improving with age.Smiley LOL

Message 20 of 24
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