on 08-05-2014 11:25 PM
on 09-05-2014 12:37 AM
I prefer the chemtrail nuts, at least they believe there is something obviously evil about the "trails" that can actually be seen above their/our heads. It is not that I don't believe the woman's story, but I don't believe her.
But wait, perhaps the evil chemtrails are actually evil exhaust trails being discharged by the evil alien UFO's? disguised to look like high flying aircraft.
I would guess the evil alien abductors have developed very strong evil tractor beams and muscles if they continually abduct the woman in question.
on 09-05-2014 01:31 AM
the 'aliens' may not be from another planet.
on 09-05-2014 01:39 AM
Microchip Mind Control, Implants And Cybernetics
on 09-05-2014 10:55 AM
on 09-05-2014 12:22 PM
She's going to write a self help book for alien abductees, I hope i never need it. But wait, is that wax in my ear
or a metal implant. My doc said it was wax but she might be an alien .
on 09-05-2014 03:30 PM
I suspect in her case "abducted by aliens" actually means "away with the fairies."
on 09-05-2014 03:33 PM
I always thought Lewis Carroll was "alien" with his stories.
on 09-05-2014 04:56 PM
Interestingly enough all of her drawings look like representations of aliens out of movies over the years. Nothing orignal which makes you wonder whether a series of images and obsessions are the explanation. She has obviously got caught up in something that is real to her but sadly very delusional. But what do you do with that ? She clearly believes that her experiences are real...
on 09-05-2014 06:03 PM
and where do you think all the thousands of other representational drawings and images came from as depicted by other people over many years who have purported to have been abducted?....just because this woman is describing something that you find unbelievable does not mean that she is a nutter nor that she is telling porkies.
This whole thread could just be a figment of your imagination.....HHHHHmmmmn?!