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World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day.



World Mental Health Day raises public awareness about mental health issues. The day promotes open di...  






"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
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World Mental Health Day


โ€ข Nearly half (45%) of the population will experience a mental disorder at some stage in their lives.


โ€ข Almost one in five Australians (20%) will experience a mental illness in a 12-month period.


โ€ข During a one-year period, anxiety disorders will affect 14% of the population and depression will affect 6%.


โ€ข Depression is one of the most common conditions in young people and increases during adolescence.


โ€ข At least one third of young people have had an episode of mental illness by the time they are 25 years old.


โ€ข Research indicates that people receiving treatment for a mental illness are no more violent or dangerous than the
general population.


โ€ข People living with a mental illness are more likely to be victims of violence, especially self-harm.


โ€ข Mental illnesses are not purely โ€˜psychologicalโ€™ and can have many physical features.


โ€ข Anyone can develop a mental illness and no one is immune to mental health problems.


โ€ข Most people with mental illness recover well and are able to lead fulfilling lives in the community when they receive appropriate ongoing treatment and support.


โ€ข Women were more likely than men to use services for mental health problems. Approximately two-thirds of people with a mental illness do not receive treatment in a 12-month period.


โ€ข It is estimated that up to 85% of homeless people have a mental illness.



"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 2 of 42
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World Mental Health Day

Not applicable

such an important thread bluecat !


I buried my gentle ,sensative ,loving and handsome son yesterday !


He lost his battle with depression 10 days ago .


Our hearts are broken .


He was in agony ,an agony that only a few could see .


He has left me with 2 gorgeous grandaughters ,that are the image of their daddy !


33 years old young ..Its not fair !


they say 2500 construction workers take their own life ever year in australia

my boy has already made a difference to one company ,they will have an "are you ok"

meeting every morning !


hope we can get more companies to do this !



Message 3 of 42
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World Mental Health Day

Annie, I am so so sorry for your loss. I don't know what you must be going through but it would probably be 1000 times worse than I could imagine. He has left a legacy that many will benefit from. Much too young to go. Depression is a horrible, horrible thing. [[[hugs]]]


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 4 of 42
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World Mental Health Day

Oh Annie.

My heart is breaking for you.


We may never understand the mental anguish they live with. Its not fair.

Message 5 of 42
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World Mental Health Day

Oh flannie I am so sad to read this.


One day, and that won't be soon, you will not be ruled by this. It will happen though and life will be normal again, just a new sort of normal.

I won't tell you that you will get over it, because you won't, but you will reach a compromise with your heart.


If you want to unload at any time just send a pm, I will understand what you are on about.


When you think your thoughts are totally crazy, they probably are, but it is ok. As I said if you want to unload, even the crazies, I am here, and you are welcome.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 6 of 42
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World Mental Health Day

Annie, losing you son is the worst thing that can happen to a mother.


Your son was like my son, suffering from depression, they feel so low and feel that they are in a very dark place that has no end, that is how they see their situation.


Only a parent that has been in your situation will know the gut wrenching pain that you are now going through & I am so sad that you have to deal with this.


More should be done in Australia to bring to people's attention what depression can and does to families. There should be more done to help people that suffer from depression and all mental illness.


I suffer from depression brought on by my sons suicide, I also have a cousin who has bi polar so I know like Bluecat what life is like suffering from mental disease, they call what I have *post traumatic stress disorder* and only all the medication that I take every day keeps me stable and calm.


Life really sucks and isnt fair.

Message 7 of 42
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World Mental Health Day


Only a parent that has been in your situation will know the gut wrenching pain that you are now going through & I am so sad that you have to deal with this.


That is so true purple. Hopefully annie will have people like us who understand to lean on.


I didn't and it was hard. People avoided me because they didn't know what to say. Things are different now and understanding is better. 


And with people like blue putting it out there, maybe more people will accept and understand mental illness.

Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light.
Message 8 of 42
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World Mental Health Day

Not applicable

thanks ttt,bluecat ,channy and purple xx


channy and purple ,i know you have both lost children ,i didnt mean to freshen that up for you iykwim ..


i have been on both ends ,have had friends go through this and tried to imagine their pain ,and trust me a mother other mothers can imagine your pain ..


you ache for yourself and ache for others that shouldnt have to go through this !


the people  that have reached out to us ,family, friends ,everyone ,the kind  messages from here..


their deep pain might not go on for as long ,but in that moment i am sure they have felt

the same pain as us.


hope that makes sense !


its just how i feel !








Message 9 of 42
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World Mental Health Day

Annie, you didnt freshen up the pain for me and I am sure Channy will feel the same.


Losing a child, that pain is always with you, but in time it lessens and you learn to live with that pain. Your  life as you knew it, ended the day your son died, now you have a different life, & part of you is missing, it went with your son.


It is really early days for you, you will be in shock, everything will be different & the grieving process you will have to go through it, in your own time, it is something that cannot be rushed. Your body will tell you how to grieve, you will have good days & then you will go backwards and have heaps of bad days, but that is all normal for the grieving process.


Just start out as taking one hour at a time and dont plan ahead..........Channey and me are here and we can and will help you.


Your son was in pain, sick, and to him this was the only way to end his pain, he didnt do it to hurt you so try not to think of that.



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