World's Busiest .....Train Station

I watched the TV documentary last night.  (First aired in 2013)


3 million people pass through Tokyo's Shinjuku Station in 24 hours and it is closed for cleaning for 3 hours from 1am.


The film shows the different aspects of running the trains on time; moving the rivers of people on and off the station; being watchful of "human incidents"  (the highest rate of suicide in the world); reaction to a 9.4 earthquake; and the terrorist action of releasing gas on a train.


I noted that there are trains that have "Women Only" carriages due to the inappropriate behaviour of males within the compressed crowds on carriages.


I found the film  interesting.  


If I can, I will be watching further "World's Busiest ......" as they are screened.



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Re: World's Busiest .....Train Station

Flying is a bit of a hobby of mine and saw the program on Dubai Airport tonight.

Not sure if that is part of the same series.


A terminal at Dubai airport is the second largest building on the planet by floor space. 1.7 million sq metres.

Baggage capacity is 8,000 per hour.

52 flight movements per hour.

2015 - Over 78,000,000 pasengers.


We have some amazing feats happening and the doco's are great.


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Re: World's Busiest .....Train Station

It certainly feels that way when running for one's flight connection.


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
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Re: World's Busiest .....Train Station

When I'm at a home anywhere near NYC it's a constant flow of airplanes overhead. They don't seem to notice, but I'm irritated by it within minutes. They might not think they notice, but I think it affects the health in ways they don't even realize. I made sure the house I bought wasn't in any fight path...which isn't easy around here.


Flights over NY right now...


Planes NY.PNG



Flights over the US...


planes us.PNG



Flights over Australia...


planes AU.PNG



Flights over the ME....


planes dubai.PNG



Our airport is too busy to renovate without extreme measures, but it's like an airport in a 3rd world country.

They're finally going to do it at a cost of $4 billion.



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Re: World's Busiest .....Train Station

WOW. And I thought Europe was bad.




I had a link that showed all flights around the world as they were moving and sped up in timelapse over a 24 hour period but can't remember where I had it.

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Re: World's Busiest .....Train Station

Community Member
Passenger aircraft are one of the biggest contributors to carbon dioxide pollution. Gas.turbine fuel is highly toxic and regularly dumped over population centres. One day electric dirigibles will move passengers
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Re: World's Busiest .....Train Station


Smiley LOL  Don't know about Customs or the checking of Visas though



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