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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

For some strange reason I'm finding it difficult to post comments on some political threads so I decided to start my own.


 I would have to say the worst government in recent history would have to be the one lead by Gough, with those lead by Howard and Abbott being a close second.


Compared to those three, the Rudd and Gillard Government Punch and Judy show doesnโ€™t rate mention.

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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

I don't remember much about the Whitlam Govt. Other than that they ended conscription, the Howard govt's push into the Iraq war based on lies, and the children overboard are what stand out there for me,

but I think this Abbott govt. Is the one that will go down in the history books as the worst govt. ever.
Message 2 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

Would have to be the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd circus hands down.

Message 3 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

All three have one thing in common.  A belief they in the divine right to rule, and they were/are prepared to do just about anything to rule.


Gough, well to get elected he simply decided to divide the nation by marginalising a significant portion of it, and in doing so, he created a rift which took decade to heal, and in some cases has never healed.


As for Howard and Abbott they simply have an absolute contempt for the democratic process. 

Message 4 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

I agree the Howard and Abbott governments are the worst seen. whitlam not so much, but i do applauid the fraser govts humane approach to refugee policy . we need the same regional plan he enacted. gillard tried something similar but the coalition spoiler tactics won the day.

Message 5 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

@icyfroth wrote:

Would have to be the Rudd/Gillard/Rudd circus hands down.



What did they do to earn such contempt?

Message 6 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

I do not agree.  Yes Gillard and Rudd was a circus where it was often hard to decide which clown was in charge, but they could not, and did not do any lasting harm. But the other three, did, have done, and can still do exactly that.


That is the reason why I have publically stated, though in the past I voted LNP, I not now do so until the backbench regrows a backbone and boots him (Abbott) out.

Message 7 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

This governments right up there with the worst.Howard gets my nod for divisiveness and war crimes.At least Gough brought in some much needed reforms like universal healthcare.
Message 8 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

  • Not to mention
  • ended conscription and withdrew Australian troops from Vietnam.
  • implemented equal pay for women.
  • launched an inquiry into education and funded government and non-government schools on a needs basis.
  • established a separate ministry responsible for aboriginal affairs and supported the idea of land rights.
  • recast our foreign policy by withdrawing support for South Africa, recognising China, granting independence to Papua-New Guinea and distancing Australia from USA foreign policy.
  • abolished tertiary education fees and established the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme.
  • increased pensions.
  • established a universal system of health insurance known as Medibank.
  • established controls on foreign ownership of Australian resources.
  • passed a series of laws banning racial and sexual discrimination.
  • extended maternity leave and benefits for single mothers.
  • sought to democratise the electoral system by introducing one-vote-one-value.


    Yes, what a terrible mob.

Message 9 of 53
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Worst Goverment In Australia's Recent History

Sorry but Gough has to the top of my list.



For instancd, as a direct result of his actions, servicing member and returned service perssonel, and their families were specifically targets for โ€œspecial treatmentโ€, and those subject to that treatment have long/very long memories.  For instance I know of one person whoโ€™s family was subjected to that treatment and whoโ€™s sole reason for living is so that when he (Gough) dies she can go an urinate on his grave.  The hate is real, and palpable and harm done was permanent.

Message 10 of 53
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