Xmas tree

Who has their xmas tree up yet? I'll be using the fake tree this year but  I can't decide when to put mine up.


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
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Re: Xmas tree

yes we have ours up, it has been up for about a week now


as is a fake tree as well it takes me at least an hour to put it up and that is without decorating it.


Message 2 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree

Honored Contributor

Yep, fake one up.  


All 1" of it.         That's right 2.5 cm


Took me all of 2 seconds to place it on on my mantle 


Still not as bad/sad as this one




Message 3 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree

Yes. Xmastree is up at my sons place, where we have family Xmas every year, as they have more room for all of us.




Stawka, our Xmas tree is just as small as yours. Lights up and changes colours. A lovely gift from a generous friend. Will take a photo when it gets dark.



Message 4 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree

You must have the super deluxe model Erica

Message 5 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree


I love the tree, Stawka. Mine might end up looking that within a few hours of being up.


Impressive tree, Erica. I can almost feel your excitement as the time draws nearer


Tomorrow might be the day, then. I need to find the decorations which are in the shed, somewhere, although, I might not need to find the star to put on top. I cleared a space for it go, then went out to pick up a cooling mat for the dog, a clam shell for the brats to splash around in, and, some peastraw mulch [I;m going to suffer for lifting that] and seedlings for the veggie patch. I came home without the clam shelll or the cooling mat [should have written a list] but I did remember everything else, only to  find that one of the cats had peed on the floor, on the spot that I had just cleared.On the top of my tree could be a bengal cat ......




"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 6 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree

.My Treezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz960076_10201072462596220_661764621_n.jpg

Tommy Loves Everyone... Im a 75 year old nutcase..
Message 7 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree

Nothing like that fresh pine smell, Tommy

Message 8 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree

Tommy, up until a few years ago, I used to always have a live, um, newly deceased tree. When I switched to fake and was whinging about how much I missed the scent, DD suggested that I hang those pine thingys on the tree. Woman Very Happy


"There is nothing more; but I want nothing more." Christopher Hitchins
Message 9 of 63
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Re: Xmas tree


Tommy Loves Everyone... Im a 75 year old nutcase..
Message 10 of 63
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