on โ04-12-2014 09:52 AM
on โ04-12-2014 09:56 AM
on โ04-12-2014 10:03 AM
on โ04-12-2014 12:36 PM
OK Wilk, watch this
All looks pretty brutal police brutatility, until they get to the police satement that explains what went on BEFORE the camera was turned on that explains 4 people in a fight with a Taxi driver, one of the ladies punch a cop in the face.
Put a comlpletely different perspective on the whole thing.
You use whatever for you need to to take someone down or remove the threat to you up to and including shooting them, end of story. They don't comply, you make them.
on โ04-12-2014 01:08 PM
on โ04-12-2014 01:10 PM
@wilk1149 wrote:
New York police officer is found not guilty of killing a man even though he used a choke hold that is not recommend to be used. Whole incident is on tape. This man was basically given summary justice for selling untaxed cigarettes. He did resist arrest but in s non violent manner and was killed for it. Way to protect and serve
is all this rubbish because of that black "kid" that got shot....after robbing a store, attacking the store owner and then running at the cop and trying the get his weapon?
on โ04-12-2014 01:11 PM
Exactly. Well said.
It's not like it was a Constable and Senior Constable in that video, they have a senior officer as well
and I doubt he'd jump in like that if it wasn't justified.
on โ04-12-2014 03:05 PM
on โ04-12-2014 03:19 PM
on โ04-12-2014 03:26 PM
yer even when unconscious he must have been resisting arrest