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The Best Cover Letter

Investment banks up and down New York's Wall Street and beyond are clamouring to interview an unheralded undergraduate finance student because he submitted a job application that included what its recipient said "might be the best cover letter I've e...

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Where to go for holiday

Been looking at a few places. Bali, Thailand , Malaysia , Vietnam. and I just can't make up my mind. We have been to Bali so many times and Thailand 3 times. In a way I would like to try somewhere else to go but I don't know much about other places. ...

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PAP smears and mammograms

Having one today and the other on Monday I know, I know, they are important and essential and we have to do it, but I HATE THEM :_| X-( :_| How come they have managed to come up with a simple blood test, rather than a digital examination, for prostat...

advice re wasps

Hi Wondering if anyone has any useful advice re wasps We have a metal, curved roof/awning on our verandah, and they seem to like to build their nests under it. It is very annoying to have to keep removing the nests. Does anyone know of a way to disco...

woops...a lucky escape A WIRES volunteer bitten twice on the hand by a highly venomous snake, 'blacked out' at the wheel and crashed his car at Bonville last night. It is ...

Right To Life is Angry With

Tony Abbott's Hesitation Waltz Despite Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s consistent anti-abortion voting record in Parliament, he now appears to be doing a hesitation waltz on the issue, in the mistaken belief that this will somehow help him co...

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Totally p off with Jack Russell Terrier

We went out for 30 mins and stupidly left dog inside. Came back and he has managed the following A tennis ball in minute pieces all over OH study Chomped his way through the head phone wires Stripped the fabric off my make up case (a hanging offense)...

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