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Forum Posts

Well, that's a shame

Today is the first day in ages I don't have to be somewhere or do something, so I had a lovely day on the beach planed. But now it's drizzling Just enough to spoil my day but probably not enough to do anything useful for the poor firies

Camel Photos

Okay, somehow I've managed to hijack not one, but two threads yappin' about our new camels. So rather than continue stomping all over everyone else's threads, thought it may be easier to just put the piccys up here. Introducing Gera and Alice: Gera i...

Be carefull what you pick up..

A holiday they'll never forget: Couple infected with flesh-eating parasites that crawl out of their skin Ally Vagg and boyfriend Bryan Williams got mosquito bites on Amazon trip Fly larvae penetrated bites to live under their skin, feeding on their f...

Kids' book promoting the benefit of measles:) A BOOK promoting the "marvellous" health benefits of potentially fatal measles should be taken off...

McDonald's making "Macca's" moniker official McDonald's is changing its name.Well, only in Australia. And just for one month.Australians have for many years had a nickname for the fast food giant with m...

My vanity just exploded in my new bathhrom

Im so upset. I dont know what to do. Have been working on this bathroom for a year. I took this photo a month ago. Things in place but water not connected Have had a few plumber problems but they have been fixed. Today plumber was here connecting fin...

Abomination Of Desolation

Well, we have now hit 2013 - the year in which, according to our resident prophet of doom, it is all supposed to start happening On an abomination scale of 1 - 10 how desolated should I be?

Super Food Ideas

Today I read a mag in a waiting room, Super Food Ideas $2.99, apparently available in woolies. So, I went to get one to find the new issue was in and the old ....none left. :_| So, does anyone have one they would sell me? or tell me how to get one? p...