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Resolved! Caption This! #335

G'Day folks. Caption This #335 winner will be the caption with the most *Helpfuls*In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by the OP.Winner to start the new round. This round closes Saturday 4th September 2021. Good luck everyone

angry cat.jpg
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Resolved! 4  Day Music Challenge   -  Theme is  Songs beginning with the letter "M".

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is Songs beginning with the letter "M". Ends on Friday, 3rd September (during evening). The poster of the song who receives the most 'Helpfuls' at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next...

Resolved! 4  Day Music Challenge   -  Theme is  GOING HOME

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is GOING HOME Ends on Monday August 30th The poster of the song who receives the most 'Helpfuls' at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the...

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Resolved! Caption this 334

Caption this #334 Winner will be the caption which has the most 'Helpfuls'. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by OP. Winner to start the new round. Closes on Saturday, 28th August

Leonine joke.png
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Panic buying

I was just reading a Coles report about their latest financial year and they mentioned the effects of Covid, panic buying etc and how they expect that to settle down more by 2022. Now, I am in Melbourne, lockdown capital of Australia (although Sydney...

Resolved! 4 Day Music Challenge  -  Theme is: PHOTO

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is PHOTO Ends on Wednesday August 25th The poster of the song who receives the most 'Helpfuls' at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner at the e...

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Dear Gladys and ilk.

The only time you can 'feel' the pain of others is to truly experiencethe pain of others.Let's stop 'your' income and tell you that all will be well in 8 weeks time.Perhaps we will then have some respect for you.First, let's get rid of this thing tha...

Resolved! 4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is ROPE or CHAIN

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is ROPE or CHAIN Ends on Saturday August 21st The poster of the song who receives the most 'Helpfuls' at the end of the challenge wins the round. The winner then chooses the next theme, hosts it and declares the winner a...

Resolved! Caption This # 333

Caption this #333 Winner will be the caption which has the most 'Helpfuls'. In the event of a tie, the winner will be decided by OP. Winner to start the new round. Closes on Saturday, 21st August during the evening.


Has not taken long - brace yourself...

here we go - an international passenger jet carrier has announced resumption of passenger flights from plauge London (UK) - a country chart topping at 3rd with 4,000 new case a day and a history of fudging the figures ( starting counting hursing home...

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