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As the topic says its bye bye to the worst or is he the second worst PM in our history. (Julia being the worst?) He doesnt even have the back bone to stay and serve his electorate that he was elected to do

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Remember Kilroy?

I wonder what Kilroy, another long-standing poster who hasn't been seen for ages, is doing these days? Here's the story of the first Kilroy: So who was Kilroy? In 1946 the American Transit Association, through its radio program, "Speak to America ," ...

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Mining Company Clears Endangered Woodland

THE federal and NSW governments approved the Whitehaven Maules Creek coalmine near Narrabri in western NSW on false and misleading information about environmental offsets to endangered flora and fauna, according to experts commissioned by a protest g...

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How do you think that the boats should be stopped?

politics aside and disregard any policies and/or treaties Australia has previously signed. Pretend there is a clean slate, a start over. What do you think should be done with those who seek assylum and choose a boat as their method of transport? If "...

Asylum Boat makes it to Darwin

Failed again Tony and Scott........this makes boat number 10, enough to start your own used boat business/racket. Boat full of Somalian...

Blood Moon..

Lightning strike brought it to beA sparkAn emberNow flaming free,Bounding leaping running alongconjuring up the demon song. Relentless heat tantalizes the beastDancing beauty engrossed in the feastTree sweat, once silent rolls downNow sings and crack...

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Resolved! Electricity Bill.

so much for the governments claim that the new parliament would be a nicer place. not that it matters much. what i find amusing is the new speaker bishop allowing the abbott to call the opposition leader 'electricity bill' this would have been consid...

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Rats in rental property!

Hi everyone I have a question I'd like to ask, to get an opinion on whether I'm just overeacting or if I have a valid reason to break my lease. I've been in my current rental property for 2 years. Since I moved in there have been problems with rodent...

Canada praises Tony Abbott's carbon tax repeal bill

Canada praises Tony Abbott's carbon tax repeal bill, says it sends important message - TONY Abbott's move to axe the carbon tax has been applauded by Canada's Harper government, which rejected a similar policy in 2008. The Prime Minister today fulfil...

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Have You Ever Forgotten Where You Parked Your Car?

Forgetful driver finds car five weeks later An Italian man who forgot where he parked his car during Munich's Oktoberfest celebrations has been reunited with his beloved vehicle after a five week search. The 40-year-old man, known only as Andreas O, ...

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