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Phone charge question

Last night I called my son in the Netherlands for 5 minutes. However when I got up this morning my OH tells me that I did not hang up the phone properly. Does this mean I will be charged until he he hung up the phone this morning? I am sick with this...

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Australia's first suicide bomber

The video shows the jihadist, identified in a previous internet posting as Abu Asma al Australi, standing on the tray of the truck used in the suicide bombing.However, because the face in the video is obscured it is impossible to be sure who it shows...

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Happy Veterans day?!

I am a member on a predominately American message board and as I was checking it out I came across a posting which was titled "Happy Veterans Day", now I know that November 11 has a different meaning in the US, but I actually felt offended (not sure ...

Cut wages: PM's business adviser

The hand-picked head of Tony Abbott's business advisory group has urged cuts to Australia's minimum wages and demanded more power for corporate Australia at the expense of consumers.Maurice Newman, a former chairman of the ABC and the Australian Secu...

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Tony Abbott’s real challenge: surviving Labor’s waste

the end, the next election will come down to one thing above all. Will the Abbott Government have saved us from a fall in our living standards, caused in part by six years of Labor waste? The head of Tony Abbott’s Business Advisory Council, Maurice N...

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Did he really say that?

"And if any boat ever set out from Australia to Indonesia to enter that country illegally, we would do our damnedest to stop it."Maybe TA is anticipating that people will be so desperate to escape Abbott's Australia they will try old boats to Indones...


Brigitte Bardot French36B-20-34 (at height of career)BlondeMore famous for popularising the bikini than for her films, made primarily in Europe.Sophia Loren Italian38C-24-38 (at height of career)BrunetteOscar-winning Hollywood movie star. Difficult t...

No Rhyme Or Reason To Jakarta Boats Policy

TONY Abbott says Indonesia has an obligation to take back asylum-seekers saved in its own search and rescue zone, as the Coalition expressed "frustration" with Jakarta's boats policy A stand-off with Jakarta, which ended with the asylum-seekers being...

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Don't renovators have any taste?

I am currently searching for a home - a traditional Victorian or Edwardian/Federation style that has been sensitively renovated and restored - an oxymoron if ever I heard one! Why is it, there are so many beautiful old frontages for sale and then whe...

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grrrrr digital TV

it will be goog they saywe will have so many more features well i thought the main feature was the PICTURE

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