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Forum Posts

Djokovic disqualified from US Open

Novak Djokovic disqualified from US Open after inadvertently hitting line judge with ball i wonder if it would have gone differently if the...

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capsized live export ship

What we know about the capsized live export ship Gulf Livestock 1 and the search for survivors off Japan is that not a most unstable top heavy shi...

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Whiteys Own Aboriginal Flag

A white man who stopped the AFL using the Aboriginal Flag in the code's Indigenous Round was once fined $2 million for selling 'authentic' didgeridoos and boomerangs - that were actually made in Indonesia. A picture shows Ben Wooster and business par...

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I'm hoping there are some folks here that could give me advice on our Mulberry Tree that is approx 20 years old. Every year the fruit forms but then shrivels and drops off. The leaves are always healthy and shiny. This year noticed there is more frui...


Please find another time for Protest

If you're fighting to protect people's lives, why not start by not risking the innocent lives of everyone elses. Find another time. I will have more respect for you. I was just saying the other day: Thank God that Australians aren't as crazy as Ameri...

Resolved! Caption This #281

Caption this #281 Winner will be the caption that has the most kudos.In the case of a tie, winner will be decided by OP. Winner to start the new round. Closes Friday 4th September 2020.

Resolved! Who thinks that shelf brackets should be 45 degrees?

Staff in Bunnings do!!!!I bought some brackets like these:Spent hours on line trawling through various brackets, then had to guess what size screws these ones will need, finally bought them and today got a message I can pick my items. Waited 1/2 hour...

brackets faulty.JPG
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Resolved! 4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is Gambling

4 Day Music Challenge - Theme is Gambling Ends Monday, 31st August (evening) The poster of the song that receives the most kudos at the end of the challenge, wins that round. The winner then chooses the next theme, starts a new thread, hosts it, and ...