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Forum Posts

Stealing from hotel rooms - yes or no?

People steal the weirdest things... I used to take the unused mini shampoo/soap thingies but I travel a lot now so can't be bothered. You?

Our next Treasurer? Pffft!

Interview about the Paid Parental Scheme funding. "It's covered. It's not covered. It's covered. It's not covered. I'ts covered" - well which is it Mr Hockey? How can you announce the biggest policy of the campaign and not know the details? And I lov...

Illegal to sit for more than 2 hours

THE law must be changed to make it illegal for workers to sit for more than two hours at a time says a leading health expert alarmed at rising diabetes rates. Professor Jonathan Shaw whose 12-year "AusDiab" study on the health status of 11,000 Austra...

Simple exercise program that I can do at home

Can someone please help me with a simple exercise program to improve my fitness? I would like to do it independently, at home for about 10-15 minutes twice a day. I am a 56 year old guy, in reasonable shape and not overweight. But I’ve never done for...

Resolved! What does hate speech mean to you?

This definition that can be found in the Collins English Dictionary is how I define it - yaaayyy I'm as smart as a dictionary woohoo World English Dictionaryhate speech — nspeech disparaging a racial, sexual, or ethnic group or a member of such a gro...

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Murdoch distributes his propaganda for FREE

Today the hideously biased one-track subject matter Daily Telegraph was boasting it had the highest readership of any newspaper in the country with levels rising. Now I know why. For months it has been the only reading available at my morning cafe an...

PNG Solution massive political failure on all fronts

"We're going to need a bigger boat" This is the reaction to the PNG solution from the criminal people smugglers. 3000 have arrived since Rudd announced the solution. Another massive rescue at sea. His so called solution is now ignored by Rudd & he re...

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Rudd and the traits of a psychopath

Janet Albrechtsen on the curious Kevin Rudd:Voters are waking up to the real Rudd Wayne Swan was correct when he fingered Rudd as a “man with no Labor values"… As PM, he treated Labor traditions with contempt, choosing to visit Cate Blanchett and her...

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And another toddler mauled to death by a dog?

2 years old and killed by a mastiff cross. The grandmother managed to free the boy from the dogs jaws and rushed him inside. The dog followed her in and grabbed the baby right out of her arms because he wasn't finished. By all accounts a well cared f...

Resolved! Rudd’s PNG FAILURE: 2764 boat people in a month

Yep PNG sure is working well... NOT Greg Sheridan says Rudd’s bluffing on boat people isn’t working:The PNG Solution has not worked, the boats have certainly not stopped, nor even much slowed. With the boats that arrived in the past week, the total n...

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MR RUDD We Know You Now.

The author should get the Pulitzer Prize. Brilliant prose.Encapsulates it all.This was posted on the Catallaxy Files blog."Every day, every minute, every time Rudd opens his mouth, Labor voters - like beer fairies when someone drinks a Canadian Club ...

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