council clean ups

how often does your council have the hard rubbish collection days



ours have only ever had one. I think they should do it here at least twice a year.

Message 1 of 46
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council clean ups

that is terrible, sad you never got it back

Message 21 of 46
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council clean ups

No, you wouldn't expect that to happen.



Message 22 of 46
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council clean ups

Shame you couldn't find out who he was freaky X-(

Message 23 of 46
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council clean ups

When we had foxtel installed many moons ago, the guys must have spotted a dope plant in the garden, that went quickly, these days they encourage gardens on the council strip which is a good thing.

Message 24 of 46
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council clean ups

That's bad freaki.. was that the end of it, you never got it back?


It is good things get recycled that is why I put them out earlier so people can take them before the council does.


In another area we lived one neighbour used to put it out a week early to give people a chance to go through it.  :^O

It was like a free garage sale.  She worked all week and couldn't be bothered with a garage sale. We got a good outdoor setting from her one.   😄

Message 25 of 46
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council clean ups

Shame you couldn't find out who he was freaky X-(


Yes, It had belonged to the grandparents of one of the flat mates.

It was very old and very nice.

Message 26 of 46
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council clean ups

I've only done the garage sale once that was enough if I can't sell it on here I just give it away to someone who can use it.

Message 27 of 46
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council clean ups

Heaps of people around here collect stuff put out for garage sales and sell it on eBay. best I heard was a spa bath for $600


I live in an area where the streets are littered with stuff all the time, but council clean ups are like bonfire night!

Message 28 of 46
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council clean ups

I think they do that everywhere donna,

Message 29 of 46
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council clean ups

I have always thought it embarrassing when tourists visit here, you don't walk very far without seeing a mattress tossed on the council strip. Never seen that in the country.

Message 30 of 46
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