on 06-03-2015 10:36 PM
I remember when news agents had a stand out the front
with Papers under a rock
You took a Paper and left the money on the stand
Now days they would steal the money,the papers and the stand
and throw the rock through the window as they were running away
on 06-03-2015 10:38 PM
I remember when gay was a girls name
on 06-03-2015 10:40 PM
I remember when you caught a bus and the thought never crossed your mind that it would blow up
on 06-03-2015 10:41 PM
on 06-03-2015 10:45 PM
on 06-03-2015 10:47 PM
I had 20 cents for lunch
and I bought a double cut tomato and cheese roll
a coke and a ice block
on 06-03-2015 10:47 PM
not yet
on 06-03-2015 10:49 PM
on 06-03-2015 10:52 PM
A time when women weren't allowed to vote, indigenous people weren't classed as citizens, we deferred everything to England, divorce was illegal, unmarried mothers were ostracized, homosexuals were imprisoned.
When we had 4 channels on the TV and they all ceased at 10pm. When trains stopped at 9pm. When pubs closed early and didn't allow women to sit at the same bar.
You mean those times?
I'll take the bad with the good and be grateful for progress thanks.
on 06-03-2015 10:52 PM