end of an era with this forum

so ive played with the new improved forum today and well

its pretty much over for me

too hard looking for threads i want to add to

getting messages i'm "flooding the thread" go away for an hour

what kind of 'conversation' do you have where you must wait an hour before saying anything new?

i will still post now n then but that'll prolly wain pretty quickly


killed the forum

Message 1 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

i fully understand i can find my threads or any thread if i want to and can remember the title

thats not what i'm on about

its the fact the only threads at the top of the page are the newest, not the one with the newest postings

so the thread, any thread, once started will gradually fall further down the list regardless of new posts

sure i can find the leroy thread (or any other thread) and then post to it,

but unless others look for that thread there is no way for others to know i (or anyone else) has added to it.

from what i see only by creating a new thread every time i decide to post something regarding a subject allready on the forum will see it at the top again.

there should be an option to have threads with new posts go to the top

Message 21 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

I agree with you David, it really is a haggard mop of a mess.  I think high school students could have done so much better and I think those "Itechs" who have built this should be ashamed;   or perhaps it's deliberate?


Don't give up .. it's possible over time that eBay will make it better (but I won't hold my breath) .. so keep pinning those threads you want to post to so that they are always there for you.

Message 22 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

They have done that because so many people were bringing threads from as old as 2012 back to the top of the boards making it difficult for any responders to help because once we see a thread has over 30 or so replies we don't even bother to go in assuming with that many replies the query has been answered - where in fact the old info is so out of date it just causes trouble.

Also, trolls like to cause trouble posting one liners of nonsense just to lift a dead thread.


Sadly, those numpty's have made it hard for the likes of the Cats and Dogs and Rosie and leroy threads.

I have pinned all the cats and dogs to my board and many others will do the same I think, coz they are fun.

I am thinking maybe you can start a new thread for your cats and dogs etc and put instructions in your OP for people to pin it - that may be better.

The 'flooding' is to stop incessant scrolling of C&P's and links etc, you can put these in the spoiler now without flooding


Message 23 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

Hi Katistrophik.    I've been pinning various threads that I want to read or respond to, so that I don't have to search for them;  I think that's the way I can keep my favourite posters (such as you)  nearby ...  ๐Ÿ˜Š


The graphics are 'drag and drop' (from my computer) but it seems it may be a different technique for others depending on their machines.  I'm more of an observer than a participant so it would not be helpful to anyone here for me to start a thread.



Message 24 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

Kat, re the dragging up of old threads - all well and good for the buying / selling boards, but I notice it hasn't stopped 4chan dragging up an old one of Icy's to add nothing useful

Message 25 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

Stawks, good to see you are still here too ... ๐Ÿ˜บ  

Message 26 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

David, I had exactly the same problem with flooding when trying to paste an image or upload something. I worked out that you must cancel the reply every time a message appears about an upload failure etc. Then try another image or whatever in a "new reply" - not the same reply as the one that failed. That's what causes the flooding.

Message 27 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

@tasfleur wrote:

Hi David ... look for the cccccaturday thread, it's up and running.   As awful as the new setup is, I think is will be "okay" for the want of a better word.




My dear Tas, I wish I could agree with you, but this IS an unmitigated disaster. I'll pop in now and then, but this place makes no sense, and that annoys me.

Message 28 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

Can't argue with that Lal.  I just hope everyone will find their way back here soon and find their way around all the awful "traps".




Message 29 of 43
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Re: end of an era with this forum

Found it  


For David ๐Ÿ˜Š

Message 30 of 43
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