list of apartments

I have been given a list of apartments to apply at. Cool, I looked up the location of a few. First one, no one in the office, no one around. The second apartment complex took my application, it went rather well, 3 year waiting list so they say. the third wasn't taking applications, try back in August. The forth had me fill out an application, but wouldn't take it and put me on the waiting list because I don't have my birth certificate. The driver's liscense and social security card wasn't good enough. I guess my presents or existence isn't proof enough that I was actually born.


The 5th one I called first to see if they would let me apply without the birth cirtificate, got a recording to leave a message, so didn't go there thinking they too wouldn't be in their office. Guess I'll hit it next week on monday. Running low on gas in the car and cash, have to be carefull about where I go. Of course having commited myself to volunteer work at a church, I'll be busy all weekend long.


I wonder if I can call JFS Monday and have them mail a copy of their copy to me here at the shelter. I know they should have it in their records. One other thing that seems to be going against me is my arrest record. The application don't just ask about any convictions, they want to know about arrests and being charged. Thats messed up. A minor footnote is they won't accept "Human" under race. I had to put white, it made me sick. But I had to play their racist game to get into a place.


This is gonna take longer than just a few days to apply at all of these, and a pain in the """ to keep track of, the list of places is so very long and I don't want to miss any for the possibility of getting in somewhere sooner rather than later.


Have a nice weekend everyone


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Re: list of apartments

@softail-joanie wrote:

I have been given a list of apartments to apply at. Cool, I looked up the location of a few. First one, no one in the office, no one around. The second apartment complex took my application, it went rather well, 3 year waiting list so they say. the third wasn't taking applications, try back in August. The forth had me fill out an application, but wouldn't take it and put me on the waiting list because I don't have my birth certificate. The driver's liscense and social security card wasn't good enough. I guess my presents or existence isn't proof enough that I was actually born.


The 5th one I called first to see if they would let me apply without the birth cirtificate, got a recording to leave a message, so didn't go there thinking they too wouldn't be in their office. Guess I'll hit it next week on monday. Running low on gas in the car and cash, have to be carefull about where I go. Of course having commited myself to volunteer work at a church, I'll be busy all weekend long.


I wonder if I can call JFS Monday and have them mail a copy of their copy to me here at the shelter. I know they should have it in their records. One other thing that seems to be going against me is my arrest record. The application don't just ask about any convictions, they want to know about arrests and being charged. Thats messed up. A minor footnote is they won't accept "Human" under race. I had to put white, it made me sick. But I had to play their racist game to get into a place.


This is gonna take longer than just a few days to apply at all of these, and a pain in the """ to keep track of, the list of places is so very long and I don't want to miss any for the possibility of getting in somewhere sooner rather than later.


Have a nice weekend everyone

Joanie is it possible you move to a smaller town somewhere where people are friendlier and get out of larger places?Maybe that is the answer?

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Re: list of apartments

I think you actually jump through more hoops to Rent than you do to buy a bloody place and get a bank loan.


I know they have to be careful, yada yada, but seriously, how are you supposed to be given a chance, when you aren't given a chance?


Don't give up - just keep trying, remember the Noisy Wheel gets the Oil.


Good Luck joanie


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 3 of 20
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Re: list of apartments

Joanie is it possible you move to a smaller town somewhere where people are friendlier and get out of larger places?Maybe that is the answer?


No, i'm not complaining. Fact is I was in a smaller town for over a year and didn't get very far. Here is where I got out of the bitter cold and into a shelter. My case worker here finally was able to see me and gave me this long list of places to apply at. Even if things don't pan out, at least i'm keeping busy and the time is passing faster. Sitting in that cold camper suffering and bored to tears really wasn't healthy. I think those here will agree that this was a good move for me. I'm warm, and no, it's not ideal, fights break out here, theres smoking around where I sleep, thats really hard to endure but I'm guessing the cold weather would be far worse. Kinda feels like I'm back in the swing of things. Win or lose, at least i'm in the world of the living again.


Just thought I would let you all know whats going on with me. Probibly don't make for very interesting reading, but there's worse topics.


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Re: list of apartments

Just let me say - Good for You - a new year and a new start and sounds like a more postitive outlook on life joanie, really do hope things work out for you, sincerely.


Would your case worker be able to attend one of the places with you? maybe they could help with the rigamarole. I realise they are very busy, but the worst than can happen is they say no.


You can't please all the people all the time, so now I just please myself

Message 5 of 20
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Re: list of apartments

Yaah - good for you Joanie.  It's really good to hear things are looking up for you.


Fingers crossed that one of the apartments becomes available for you.


I just have to disagree with one thing you said - 'Probibly don't make for very interesting reading, but there's worse topics'' - these sort of posts make great reading!!

Message 6 of 20
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Re: list of apartments

It's doubtfull, but I will ask, if I can even catch her in her office. This place has so many living here that I am all but invisible in here to the staff and most of the residents. I'm selling 2 litter bottles of Pepsi for twice what I paid. Didn't plan on it but I bought an 8 pack and just got the offers. Many in here don't have a car so they have to carry what they buy in the cold.


I won't get my hopes up on the fresh start to a new year thing, just going to look at it as another day. Things being good, well fair at least for the moment. My world has crashed around me so many times, well, I'm just taking it by the day. Whatever happends happends and I can look back and say I put in the effort. But hey!, I'm not freezing cold, that's something.


Thanks for the well wishes Greencat, I'll do the best I can with them.


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Re: list of apartments

Good for you Joanie! 


I admire your persistence and have a strong feeling that you will have success- you have already solved the problem of getting out of the cold. Thats a big deal and I think youre right- day by day is the way, even hour by hour can help sometimes.


I too am interested in your IS interesting reading. Please keep it up.


Wish you luck, keep your chin up, and we will be thinking of you. Heart

Message 8 of 20
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Re: list of apartments

The very best of luck I hope you get somewhere to live permenantly soon.


I've never been in your situation and I can only imagine how much courage it must take to keep on being optmistic in the circumstances.

Message 9 of 20
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Re: list of apartments

Joanie, we all wish you the best of luck and are hoping that this year will be a turnaround for the better for you.

Keep your chin up and do the best you can. Some one will take notice.



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