on 15-05-2021 12:43 PM
Hi i have for over 5 yrs a selfish neighbour that got a puppy overgrown rat looking that yapped for hours. She then got another dog. After letters and husband going over it went abit better. Paid for shutters to block the noise in the bedroom did nothing. Even with parties she lets her mutts bark alllll night, if i went to a party i would not be impressed listening to her dogs yap all night. I was talking with hubby saying ive had enough it sounds like a dog pound behind us. I was going to write another letter friendly to say we have been patient enough please please you are home all day when they yap at nothing please go out and keep them quiet, they are outside doggies she says. WELL yesterday i get her coming over asking if i was Lisa, i said no why what is it about? she was rude and said dont worry went to the neighbour next to me. Well these neighbours next to us we have been friends for 25 yrs but...... they are growing weed smell it through our house most days we have put up with druggies coming and going from their house. They feed all the feral cats and then cracked at me for catching these cats as i killed one of hers but she said they were microchipped (if i did rspca said none of the 13 ive brought in were so either lying or not hers). She came back threatening me that im Lisa its my letter to keep her dam dogs quiet and my next door neighbour said it was my hand writing. To be honest they are with the fairies their faces are all drawn im thinking they have smoked too much and not with it. I kept saying i can show you my hand writing. SHe threw the letter in my face saying dont go down that road i know people in the council and its a lie i work from home and they dont bark much and thats what dogs do they bark. In 5 yrs i have NEVER seen her come out and quiet them never seen her walk them. Kept calling me Lisa and threatening me. I have NEVER been treated like this before. Yes some days ive had enough and scream shut your dogs up so she must of thought i was the the one that wrote it. she said shes gone to all the houses around and noone is Lisa and you are the problem they all say the barking doesnt bother them. Im SO ANGRY how dare she accuse me and when i said well to be honest my husband was going to come and tell you to shut them up she just went off. I told her if you threaten me like this i will flippen go to the council!!! I will ring on MOnday and let them know. I dont mind a dog barking a little and the neighbour says sorry i will try to keep them quiet. But to her yapping ever 10 mins in the day is nothing and i am the problem!!
on 22-05-2021 03:05 PM
@domino-710 wrote:Just curious - how did you deal with it. ??
First we tried telling it to be quiet, sit down, hush, no, etc. but it just ignored that.
Then we had a yarn (conversation) with other neighbours around the area to get their opinions on the matter, all of whom agreed it was causing them problems at times.
We'd heard others yelling at it to be quiet, sit down, shut up etc. etc., also with no effect.
Cracking a bullwhip did have some limited success for short periods of time, but wasn't a practical long term solution.
Next we mentioned it to the owner in a non-confrontational way, which wasn't easy when sleep deprived, which was also a waste of time as he didn't seem to care.
Then we wrote a polite letter explaining exactly the issue, included a copy of the advice given on the Council website, and left it in his mailbox, mentioning that if it continued we'd have no choice but to take the matter to the local Council.
That was also ignored so we contacted the Council, they sent us a kit with a diary etc. so we could make note of the times it was being a nuisance.
Our Council determines continuous barking for 7 minutes or more in a 1 hour period is classed as a nuisance, so we kept a diary of the times it was being a nuisance.
This info was submitted to the Council, numerous times.
It did subside for a few days at times, so I guess he got visits from the local Council's animal control officer, but eventually over time it went back to the same almost constant barking.
I arrived home from work about 7:00 am one morning and it was going on as usual, I got a camera out, started videoing while inside when it could be heard quite plainly, walked outside camera pointing towards the dog & left the camera running for over an hour while the dog barked the whole time.
Uploaded it to Youtube & sent the Council a link.
Soon after that things went relatively quiet again, he apparently bought an electronic barking control collar and put on it, while this didn't completely stop it, it did slow it to the point it was no longer keeping everyone in the area awake day and night.
It probably took about 2 months from the first conversation with the neighbours until he got the collar for it, after about another 6 months he left town and took the dog with him.
During that time if that dog never had the control collar on and he wasn't home, it was constant barking as usual.
It was a beautiful dog, but it was a working dog.
Something I see more and more nowdays is people getting high maintenance working dogs and doing nothing with them, they spoil them rotten when they're cute pups instead of teaching them some manners, then all of a sudden the cute pup is not so cute anymore and gets designated to the yard and left to it's own devices while the owners are at work or whatever...and therein begins the problems.
I believe it's about time people should require being licensed to keep animals, to show they understand the responsibilities and what's involved raising an animal.
It sure would solve a lot of hassles, don't do the right thing too many times and the license is revoked.
It would provide more revenue for local Councils, and it would go a long way towards ensuring that those of us who do the right thing with our animals aren't constantly having our lives, sleep, relaxation etc. interrupted by people who just don't care.
on 22-05-2021 03:19 PM
@not_for_sale2025 wrote:Have you ever been confronted by a feral cat? I was camping out bush once when a feral cat rocked up and grabbed some food. I started to approach it. The cat just looked at me dead in the eyes and started growling. It seemed to be daring me to try and take the food away from it. I nearly sh*t myself. It would have torn me to shreds. I slept with a machete that night LOL.
I have, they can be quite nasty critters.
I work out in the bush and see them often.
22-05-2021 04:59 PM - edited 22-05-2021 05:02 PM
@jmacwq wrote:@4channel wrote:
......I wonder if by chance there is an organization in Aust. like there is overseas where colonies of feral cats are neutered / spayed and then put back in their area.......I believe there could be, I have heard of it being done here before.
However, in my opinion releasing ferals back into the environment a very very bad idea, I believe once they're removed they should stay removed.
The damage feral animals do to native populations in this country is a real issue, and cats are one of the worst offenders.
You are correct, but I am sorry to be the one to inform you that because feral cats can not be released nor rehomed, they have a one way trip to that 'RSPCA' that some are speaking of. Also the RSPCA as an organisation is also not ''A No Kill'' centre and No Kill Centres in most area's fall under council legislation and can not accept feral cats for that very reason - so bye bye to the 13 kiities that were taken in.
on 22-05-2021 06:24 PM
Feral animals of any kind should NEVER be released back into the environment...EVER.
It would appear this TNR is taking hold in Austalia too, if one believes this website - https://catrescue901.org.au/tnr/
I hope it's not, though we do seem to have our share of idiots in Australia who put their love of certain animals above common sense, so I guess it's possible.
But I usually take with a grain of salt what I read on sites like that as quite often it is simply emotional drivel and not fact.
22-05-2021 07:52 PM - edited 22-05-2021 07:52 PM
But I usually take with a grain of salt what I read on sites like that as quite often it is simply emotional drivel and not fact.
Extremely wise advice, I just wish others follow your example.
on 23-05-2021 03:25 PM
yes i went to the bin thats near the neighbours that feed these ferals. There was on that was on the fence growling at me looked like that cat from pet cemetery. But... these neighbours are "animal lovers" if you were animal lovers you would flippen think to help me catch these cats so they can hopefully get them young enough to re house
on 23-05-2021 03:29 PM
yes i agree i think dog owners should be seen if they have a big enough yard. Some working dogs farm dogs should NEVER been in small yards and never walked. My kids want another dog but now we have extended our yard is too small not fair on the dog.
glad you can see where im coming from. So easy for peanuts to come on here and judge when they have never had it 24/7. always get the odd strange one commenting
council just told me they were brought out to a group of townhouses. He said EACH townhouse had a tiny tiny yard with a large dog. Poor things
on 23-05-2021 04:05 PM
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on 24-05-2021 06:33 PM
Re: neighbours yappy dogs - owner came over threatening me
In response to jmacwq
@lovemykids64 wrote:
yes i agree i think dog owners should be seen if they have a big enough yard. Some working dogs farm dogs should NEVER been in small yards and never walked. My kids want another dog but now we have extended our yard is too small not fair on the dog.
glad you can see where im coming from. So easy for peanuts to come on here and judge when they have never had it 24/7. always get the odd strange one commenting
council just told me they were brought out to a group of townhouses. He said EACH townhouse had a tiny tiny yard with a large dog. Poor things
Reply by 4channel
I have seen some and heard about that too. Large dogs with a yard way too small. It just doesn't work! And with little yappy dogs, I think that the persona or rather the nature of little dogs can be bad. Is it because they get picked up often and spoilt? Can this contribute to negative behavior that can drive some people around the bend?
I know how annoying it can be with a nearby shop or car alarm that goes off often. A constantly yapping little dog can he worse. I do recall a story from a workmate about a noisy dog (medium sized) that would be barking all the time. I am not recommending this, but I heard that he was doused with a bucket of water every time this happened. Eventually he would quieten down when he saw the bucket thus eliminating the need to be doused. From memory, his behavior improved.
on 24-05-2021 06:42 PM
You - very obviousy have never brought up a Pup.
It begins - day 1 - much the same as a socially acceptable child.
Neither of which - you have any experience of - obviously.