Hello,As the title says, when receiving items now sometimes there is an
extra line in the address with "ebay:" and what appears to be random
letters/numbers after it.What is this about?Thanks
Feral animals of any kind should NEVER be released back into the
environment...EVER. It would appear this TNR is taking hold in Austalia
too, if one believes this website - https://catrescue901.org.au/tnr/ I
hope it's not, though we do seem to have o...
@not_for_sale2025 wrote:Have you ever been confronted by a feral cat? I
was camping out bush once when a feral cat rocked up and grabbed some
food. I started to approach it. The cat just looked at me dead in the
eyes and started growling. It seemed t...
@domino-710 wrote:Just curious - how did you deal with it. ??First we
tried telling it to be quiet, sit down, hush, no, etc. but it just
ignored that.Then we had a yarn (conversation) with other neighbours
around the area to get their opinions on the...
@4channel wrote:......I wonder if by chance there is an organization in
Aust. like there is overseas where colonies of feral cats are neutered /
spayed and then put back in their area.......I believe there could be, I
have heard of it being done here...
@4channel wrote:Well said! And it it is up to owners to make sure their
animals don't become too much of a nuisance.Some times the behaviour of
the animal is a reflection of the owners persona. BTW: It's nice to see
someone here is willing to underst...