on 20-06-2013 12:15 PM
on 20-06-2013 02:24 PM
The posts are time stamped 🙂
on 20-06-2013 02:27 PM
Yes Deb that is what we all hope for.
That should set the cat among the pigeons huh ?
on 20-06-2013 02:28 PM
Still no takers poddy
on 20-06-2013 02:28 PM
Kind of like
The Future Back to the Past ?
No that would be more suited to the new Round Table board. That's if they get one. :^O
I just crack myself up sometimes.
on 20-06-2013 02:29 PM
Yes Deb that is what we all hope for.
That should set the cat among the pigeons huh ?.
I don't know about that but it will be a huge improvement here
on 20-06-2013 02:32 PM
They dont seem to be too adventurous over there, maybe wondering what an Aussie is knowing their language. I may have to practise my Cnuck accent
on 20-06-2013 02:33 PM
they could be checking you out here Pods ?
on 20-06-2013 02:34 PM
:^O Iza
on 20-06-2013 02:45 PM
I don't want to be their product Karen, and there's so much advertising in your face these days all day and all night, it's getting OTT
I've wondered of late..... do we ever look at Capitalism as an economic model and wonder if there should be a line drawn as to how far they can go to herd us into one big corral? ...it's like having the Australia Card via stealth...they're linking everything up, and that bothers me. Crikey, we wouldn't let our Govt do it, but anything goes in the name of capitalism?
I'm not a member of the big social media sites = just not interested in what the world is twittering about....all you hear these days is who said what on twitter, especially if they're media personalities...it's puddle jumping for the superficial and the news media lap it up.
Perhaps someone will come up with a more intelligent social network some day...I'm not buying into this commercial herding mentality....
The beauty of the social media sites is that they provide a contact point for new news publications and a way to view the media releases/transcripts before the news outlets rewrite them, depending who they're from.
If not for twitter, for example, the Guardian Australia, Independent Aus., etc. would not find it so easy to spread the word about their news products. The more news deliverers there are the easier it is for us to find out more detail or hear both sides of the story.
Having said that. my biggest gripe at the moment is the linking of everything and the expectation that you'll be willing to sign up for or into every site. That drives me crazy.
I do object to linking everything and having to log in in to read things :^O
on 20-06-2013 02:59 PM
Having said that. my biggest gripe at the moment is the linking of everything and the expectation that you'll be willing to sign up for or into every site. That drives me crazy.
I don't like when you go to sign in/register somewhere and fiirst you get a pop up ... sign in through facebook.
mlor :^O