"It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?


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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?

In many cultures it is.


Many elderly parents wouldn't want to burden their children.


And many grown up children would want to look after their parents.


Solutions are often found, granny flats or independant living close by, perhaps with hired help coming in.


Unfortunately many elderly end up in homes with very few visits. Smiley Sad



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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?

That would depend on whether the parents looked after the child.


Or the culture they came from.


Once again a spurious thread to try to find out what you should think.

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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?

Not these days, some of them once they have no use for you dont really care


Gone are the days when the young looks after the old, many end up very loney in a home

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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?


My mother doesn't think her children are responsible for her care if/when she may need it.  But having said that I think it is possible my brother who helps her out a lot now, might think differently. 


I live too far away and am housebound so I would be no help at all except possibly supplying some financial help. Also my mother had admitted if we had to live together we seem to have such opposite views on things it would be a very stressful living arrangement.  LOL


My mother is considering eventually moving into a nursing home (we are in NO hurry for her to do so) but we are concerned she might end up in one of those places that seem more like prisons.  I hope if she does surrender her independence she finds a good place.


And.....I have no children and less funds than my mother has saved and I'm beginning to wonder what my fate will be.  Not very good I imagine.

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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?

I don't think it's unconditional. For example, I don't think the child of an aggressive drunk, or a parent who abused or neglected them would necessarily care. Perhaps you could have been more specific, rather than generalising?

Message 6 of 9
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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?

@not_for_sale2024 wrote:

I don't think it's unconditional. For example, I don't think the child of an aggressive drunk, or a parent who abused or neglected them would necessarily care. Perhaps you could have been more specific, rather than generalising?

What if you became a success despite your parents. Because of their neglect, you learnt to be more independent?


If the parent depend did everything for the child so much so they become reliant. Does that parent deserved to be cared for in their old age?

Message 7 of 9
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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?

@the_bob_delusion wrote:

@not_for_sale2024 wrote:

I don't think it's unconditional. For example, I don't think the child of an aggressive drunk, or a parent who abused or neglected them would necessarily care. Perhaps you could have been more specific, rather than generalising?

What if you became a success despite your parents. Because of their neglect, you learnt to be more independent?


If the parent depend did everything for the child so much so they become reliant. Does that parent deserved to be cared for in their old age?

You and I are very different people Bob. You seem to simplify things in your mind and make assumptions that are basically hypothetical, but make sense in your head. Why would you assume that a person's success is in any way related to neglect? Perhaps if you give the grown child more credit as an individual and not think of them as the product of their parents? What it narrows down to in most families is love. A family without love is very likely going to end up differently to a loving family. No amount of emotional blackmail will work in some families. People very obviously care enough, or they don't.

Message 8 of 9
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Re: "It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age?

@the_bob_delusion wrote:


 on ‎11-25-2020 09:25 PM

"It is the child's responsibility to look after their parents in old age? [ New ]


Today in modern society many people would say no. I think yes. They should look after the old parents.

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