the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

This is a thread with no particular

Topic so no one can be off topic ๐Ÿ™‚


So if anyone out there has something 

To say about anything you like now

Is your chance


Keep it clean 


And be nice 


See how long that lasts


Can we keep politics and religion out 

Of the conversation 

Message 1 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

I don't know what's funnier, the little girl magpie, reluctant to get amongst the cockatoos and get something to eat because they're so pushy, or the galah, half the size of the cockatoos, who wades in, amongst them. A shrill bleat here, a bite there, he doesn't take nonsense from them, ha ha.

Meanwhile, the little girl's moved over to the front where she knows she'll get a little more peace and quiet.

I stepped out the back and the galah comes running towards me "Where's the food? Where's the food? Where's the food? Hurry! Look what's following me!".

Hot on his heels are half a dozen of the laziest cockatoos you'd ever find. Ever heard of the power of flight?

I know, I know, forget flying, it's easier to get a run up and then launch ourselves at you.

This'll be my cue to put the box of seed on the ground, and having checked to make sure there's no one behind me, take a step back.

If you get enough birds around the box, and they don't start squabbling, they'll move, more or less in a circle, in a clockwise direction. One of the wonders of Nature. They don't show that in their fancy documentaries, ha ha.


I haven't seen the big girl possum with the bulgy pouch around in the last couple of days. Thinking about it, given the weather, it's amazing I've seen anything but rain and more rain, in the last couple of days, ha ha.

I think she must be getting to the point where the little one learns to ride on her back, rather than in the pouch.

That's a fun couple of days, from memory - "But I want to go back in the pouch, Now! I don't care that you're sitting in such a position as to make it nearly impossible. I'll wriggle and squirm and burrow if I have to!".

Okay, fun might not be the word, not for mum, anyway, ha ha.

She'll bring the little one round, when she's ready, and introduce it to the food served here. There's some priceless moments ahead - the look of surprise, and just as often sheer bliss when the little possum "discovers" something new to eat.

Just as often the "new" food is something that mum's trying to eat. "What's that you're eating? I want to try it too! While you're eating it!". Possum mothers can be a study in patience, ha ha.


There was a willy wagtail in the big tree, right on dusk, suddenly jumping into the air to catch insects I couldn't even see.

He's welcome to come back, any time, especially if he has a taste for mosquitoes, ha ha.

The solar powered UV bug zappers are all well and good, and I'm sure they draw in their fair share of biting things, but for a determined mozzie there's nothing that compares to the smell of a human being.

Except maybe the smell of another human being.

I may have to find somebody silly enough to stand around outside with me, at dusk, to act as a decoy, ha ha.



Message 2061 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Obviously been eating too much of the mondegreen-ery.






Message 2062 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Image result for moose song memes        Image result for moose song memes

Message 2063 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

bird1.gif bird2.gif bird3.gif

Message 2064 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Message 2065 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

It's that time of year, and the rain hasn't helped.

The annoying spiky weed is back.


DSCF0233 A CR.jpg


The weed killing season gets off to it's usual shambolic start...

I got out the weed spray.

The big, cylindrical container with the pump handle on top.

The one that promptly sprung a leak where the hose to the nozzle comes out.

I've tried about half a dozen things and it still leaks, ha ha.

Right... I say... Time to get creative...

Unscrew the top, carry the container around the garden and pour the weed killer on the weeds.

Don't you make me go all MacGyver on you, weeds, ha ha.



Message 2066 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

That bluddy sticky weed.  I'm running a losing battle with that stuff!!


It's everywhere, and I can't poison because of the cat.   I have to bend over and

pick each bit out by hand and make sure I get the root.   And then get it all off

my clothes as well.


AND it has to be done before it sets seed again.  


I HATE IT WITH A PASSION          horror smiley.gif

Message 2067 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

WD-40 works for me it's a light oil, and it smothers the weeds.

It does make the garden smell like the workshop, though, ha ha.

The good thing is that the various beasties avoid it.

I figure that if I can use it to keep the rust off tools, and clean the toilet, then the weeds are fair game, too.

Do Not use it to put a pleasant shine on the leaves of house plants.

Not a good idea at all.

But it is how I stumbled on the idea of killing plants by the inappropriate use of products that are not intended for that purpose.





Message 2068 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

@imastawka wrote:

Image result for moose song memes   

That lends a whole new meaning to the expression "Heads down, b*ms up" Smiley LOL

Message 2069 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Thanks for the WD40 trick, Ecar.


A lot of weeds are now nice and shiny         gimme-five-smiley-emoticon.gif


I've been putting boiling water on them.   Does the trick, but it's a lot of walking.


Also been testing brown vinegar sprayed on to them.   Jury is still out.  Works on

some weeds.

Message 2070 of 12,453
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