the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

This is a thread with no particular

Topic so no one can be off topic 🙂


So if anyone out there has something 

To say about anything you like now

Is your chance


Keep it clean 


And be nice 


See how long that lasts


Can we keep politics and religion out 

Of the conversation 

Message 1 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Image result for musical meme
Message 3331 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

I bet all them young 'uns think 'twerking' is new.


Josephine Baker in Paris 1927





Message 3332 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 3333 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Message 3334 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread




Message 3335 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

I get interesting mail, sometimes...







They're great for going "Clickety-clack, Clickety-clack" along lino floors, though I haven't had a great amount of success fitting them to joggers or ugg boots... ha ha.




Message 3336 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

The figs start out more or less like this -


figDSCF0525 crop.jpg


They grow pump, and purple as they ripen...


figDSCF0522 crop.jpg


And get eaten... ha ha.


To the point where there's a stump, about a centimetre long, left, still on the tree.

That's where this afternoon's visiting pair of (naturally camera shy) crimson rosellas come in.

I wondered what they were eating, at first...

There's nothing wasted, ha ha.


I had that momentary idea about putting a small platform out there for them, for the Winter.


Count down from five - that's about how long it's take the cockatoos to monopolise it, ha ha.

Given a reason, that lot could get into a closed shoe box.

Nothing is safe from them, ha ha.

Except banana.

They don't like banana.

So the wattlebirds are safe... as long as we don't count the rainbow lorikeets, who do like banana, but thankfully play fairly nicely when it comes to sharing it, ha ha.



Who is the real baby bird?

The older baby bird?

The younger baby bird?

The old bird with a sense of humour?

Somebody says "Wah!" in that way that that baby birds do.

Someone answers - "Wah!", then someone else answers "Wah!".

Okay, one's vaguely over that way...

One's vaguely over in the other direction...

The other's an old man cockatoo with a devilish sense of humour, sitting perhaps fifteen feet from me, chuckling at his own cleverness.

It's the third or fourth day in a row that he's been coming here, now, I'm beginning to think he's becoming a regular visitor, ha ha.

Last night he had a "Wah!"-fest - he sat up on the roof and let the neighbourhood know that he could say "Wah!", repeatedly, loudly... ha ha.

He's suffering the indignities of old age, but I doubt that extends to the balance of his mind, particularly - he's not reverting to an infantile state, he just has an infantile sense of humour, ha ha.



Message 3337 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

Did you know that the Irish strawberry tree is flowering?




Yes, bird, I did.

Did you know it's fun to break the flowers off...

No, I didn't... Do you eat them?

No, we drop them on the ground because they taste awful...

Is it about time for me to find an old tennis ball and suspend it from a rope so that you can demolish it inside half an hour? ha ha.

We're not bored. We have plenty of things to do... We haven't touched at least half the tree, yet... ha ha.



Message 3338 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread


Message 3339 of 12,453
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Re: the nothing ,anything ,everything thread

 Incredibly chill and cute possum goes viral after being snapped catching the tram in Melbourne

Chill level: God.


Bluddy fare evader......where's it's Myki card?

Message 3340 of 12,453
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