these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

When backpackers went home, these Australians gave farm jobs a go. Here's how they went

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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

@davidc4430 wrote:

the thread seems to have wandered way off topic


one poster feels a story of one person who rumor has it can trim thousands of grape vines in a day is the norm

i doubt that even if its true


we are discussing a story of 3 or 4 young aussies who took the bait to give the 'working on the farm' life a go and found it nothing like the publicity being spread by govt


does that mean every young aussie failed to find 'life on the farm' a dissapointment

of course not

but until some come forward to refute the 'its not so great' claims then we have to say the truth seems to be 'its not so great mate'


btw if it was a great life with plenty of money to be made, we wouldnt have a problem

and its not about being too lazy

it allways gets down to money


we get sickened by stories of CEOs being paid disgustingly high wages but the story is, if you want top people you have to pay em these ginormous wages


if you want people to come pick ya fruit ect, give em better conditions and wages

Many farmers offer very good wages/conditions etc  ............ Perhaps if they were paid better $$ for their produce, they could afford to pay better wages etc etc  ............

Message 61 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

@domino-710 wrote:

Most come to the boards for entertainment - not a heated lecture.


Some know the cost of everything & the value of nothing.


Care factor - Zilch.



@domino-710   As you noted in one of your recent posts, I took a break from forum posting over the Christmas / New Year period. During this time, I was contacted through PM's by several long term posters with messages of support. ( thankyou ) 


These are well known and respected names that all would be familiar with. The common theme was that they have chosen not to participate in forum discussion anymore as it is no longer fun or entertaining. 


The constant " pile ons " and derogatory personal attacks instigated by a small group has turned what was once a vibrant and diverse forum into a boring, toxic monoculture, where only one view of the world is tolerated or accepted. Numbers of regular posters are diminishing and along with it, diversity of opinion and life experience...........

Message 62 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

@chameleon54 - bet I received more than you. LOL

Message 63 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

Good grief - did they close the tuckshop early.

Message 64 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

Another constructive contribution there dom. Sorta proves my point doesnt it.

Message 65 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

images (25).jpeg

Message 66 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

One thing I would like to know is why someone is carrying a pair of grape pruning gear to a sheep station 6 months before pruning season starts.
Message 67 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

Try Googling - Pneumatic crutching shears - with harness & fitted gloves.


Adding of course - expensive.


I got secateurs. OUCH.

Message 68 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

National Lost Crop Register surpasses $45 million in losses at farmgate value due to worker shortage
Message 69 of 70
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these Australians gave farm jobs a go.

I grew up on a farm. We had Australians workers year 'round and overseas workers, seasonal. The foreigners were very good, so good in fact that two of my brothers married them. Tim, my younger brother got hitched to a Japanese backpacker and my other brother (name withheld) married a 19 year old Sudanese male when he was in his mid-fifties. They're very happy.

Message 70 of 70
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