Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap (under prices)

Community Member

I just bought one item "What do you think ? 


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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

Community Member

I hope you paid by Paypal 'cos you won't be getting it, I can guarantee you that. Your link takes me to a different seller too, so there's definitely some funny business going on.

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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

I already paid but still confusing to me . I also paid one similar item and Makita batteries to another seller last few day, I just received a message from Ebay that the seller has cancelled the register . So I can not get money back, even from Paypal or Ebay . 

Message 3 of 10
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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

Even if a seller is de-registered and you paid by PayPal you can get a refund.

Open a case in resolve a problem for item not received within 45 days from payment date.

image host
Message 4 of 10
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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

Dodgey as !!!! ya wont be getting anything.  😞

Message 5 of 10
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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

@lau7349 wrote:

I already paid but still confusing to me . I also paid one similar item and Makita batteries to another seller last few day, I just received a message from Ebay that the seller has cancelled the register . So I can not get money back, even from Paypal or Ebay . 

What's confusing about it? The whole point of using a safe-payment method is so that you can claim your money back in the event that something goes wrong with the transaction, provided that you lodge your claim within 45 days from the date of payment. It doesn't matter if the seller has been kicked off eBay either. If you don't receive the item you paid for (and in this case, the item doesn't even exist) you'll be refunded by Paypal. That's the reason that eBay sent you an email to let you know, so you could lodge a claim with Paypal without having to wait 6 weeks to see if the item arrives before doing so. Just make sure that you never allow anybody to con you into paying by any other method, like direct debit, because if you do, you'll never see your money again.


For your future reference, if you ever see an item which is priced way below its normal value, especially from a Chinese seller, and particularly if it sounds too good to be true, then don't allow greed to overcome common sense because it almost certainly isn't. There is no such thing as a $25 tablet or smartphone, no matter how much you'd like to believe it's true. Ever heard the saying "there's no such thing as a free lunch"? Well you'd better believe it. Ebay is rife with these dodgy Chinese scammers so you have to take some responsibility and don't allow yourself to be conned into believing that these mongrels are doing you any favours, because all they're doing is trying their hardest to rip you off.

Message 6 of 10
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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

Sorry to be bearer of bad news. I can guarantee you your item will not arrive. I sent this seller a email through eBay several days ago, as to why the tablet is so cheap and if it is legit. Of course, I did not receive a reply and reported it to ebay as a scam, as I have been caught previously. The worst part is eBay will do nothing until they have definite proof. This will not happen for several weeks, when buyers realize their item is not coming and then file a dispute with PayPal. There will be many, then eBay should de-register seller, but you will get a full refund through PayPal.


If it's selling at 4 to 5 time cheaper price than a genuine full price item at RR prices, it's a scam and do not buy.

Also, check the sellers background before you buy, even if the feedback is 100%. This seller has been registered with eBay since 2006 and yet only 1 sale item is recorded in the last 12 months. This may not mean much, but now he seems to have a unlimited supply of tablets, why? This listing has already been ended and relisted twice, with more than 10 tablets available each time.


Lastly, always check postage/delivery location. This seller is listed on eBay Australia with location as Sydney, NSW with no area code and clearly shows free standard delivery outside of AU. The delivery time listed is around 2 weeks, this gives the scammers a lot of time to sell many fictitious items. As extra protection, I no longer buy from a eBay AU seller that ships from overseas. Reputable Australian eBay sellers usually have warehouse distribution in Australia.



Message 7 of 10
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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

Community Member

thank you so much for all your comments . I'll double check before buying. A lesson to learn when buying online.

Message 8 of 10
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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

I just received notification today from eBay. Good news guys, thanks to all your complaints, this scammer has now been closed down and no longer appears on eBay. Just remember to pay with payPal and you will be refunded in full.

Message 9 of 10
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Re: Anybody who knows about this seller , because all items listing are too cheap

I can understand the mods removing the seller's name from the thread title, but to have removed the link to his dodgy items was almost criminal and does absolutely nothing to instill confidence in buyers that eBay are looking out for them and have their best interests at heart.

Enough people complained to eBay that this mongrel was quickly shut down and NARU'd but people need to be educated about these scammers and not have warnings about them swept under the carpet like they didn't exist, when the truth is that eBay is riddled with them.
Message 10 of 10
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