Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010


Hello everyone and WELCOME to the Devils DownUnder Signature Tag request thread.

Feel free to pop in and request as many tags as you would like from the devils.

To help us make your tag, please tell us the name you would like on it, any themes/pictures you like, hobbies, colours etc. The more information we have, the more tags we can make.

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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Hi Devils,

I am so desperate, I really need help and am hopeful that one of you lovely devils may be able to do something for me.
My husband needs a new logo created for his business. He's a self employed tree lopper and we really need to jazz things up a bit to find some new clients. Things have been really tough over the last few months and we need to constantly come up with new and exciting ways to get people attention.

Can someone please help me with a logo. ?

We are aiming to create the flyer in A5 size, with a new logo at the top then a speil about what he offers followed by his contact details

Please help Devils, pretty, pretty please.

Message 461 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Hi,back doing ebay bits.
Sorry away for awhile with sick oh.
Have picked up the tag many thanksโ™ฅ

Am going to try & get something up on the shop today,
have a good week,cheers,
Message 462 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Community Member
Hi everyone, hope all is well with you all. :-x

I'm a bit cranky here because hubby used up all of our internet downloads watching the soccer online. X-( X-( X-( We still have another ten days until we get back up to speed. Grrrrrrrr!
Message 463 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Hey Everyone!

Rose, thank you for my beautiful tag. I love it!

Peela, hope you get better compensation than what they are offering.

Deb, oh I hope the next 10 days goes by quickly. We miss seeing you.
Message 464 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

OMG im so hungover.

What a night. Had an absolute blast of a time.
Charades was hilarious, then we were singing and dancing to songs on my MP3 player, then we got the karaoke going.
My neck is stiff due to headbanging to Queen, Guns n Roses and Bon Jovi.
My throat is croaky from singing.
And my is killing me from to many cocktails.

But, we all had a blast.
Ive spent most of today in bed and am still stuffed but now i gotta go to work.
Might watch 'The Hangover' at work tonight.

chrisoncoochie- we can make you something but wont be able to use any pics as it is a business logo and copyright forbides us.

Gotta go to work now.
Bye all
 photo walkingdeadtag_zpsbaca2fdd.jpg
Message 465 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Amyโ™ฅ So happy you had a blast last night.Good luck with your shift at work ๐Ÿ™‚
Message 466 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

evening all โ™ฅ

been busy doing stuff for work ..... it takes time !

boy amy ...just cant imagine you being the head-banging kinda girl ๐Ÿ˜›

glad you had a blast though ๐Ÿ˜‰

Message 467 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Updated List

#6124 kitty-kat1234 wants a cute old world little girl with a book or such for use as her shop logo - to change all the time. *amy x1*

#6282 written*in*water wants a tag with anything to do with Holden on it and the name 'Brock' somewhere on it for her son.*amy x2, sharon x1*

#keeliaclare wants an avatar from rose using the Emily image in black & red with 'Keelia' on it.

#6502 chrisoncoochie wants:
My husband needs a new logo created for his business. He's a self employed tree lopper and we really need to jazz things up a bit to find some new clients. Things have been really tough over the last few months and we need to constantly come up with new and exciting ways to get people attention.
Can someone please help me with a logo. ?
We are aiming to create the flyer in A5 size, with a new logo at the top then a speil about what he offers followed by his contact details
Please help Devils, pretty, pretty please.

thats the list devils........


Message 468 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

well time for bed ..... Im ever so tired ......

nite all โ™ฅ

**waving to the night shift** โ™ฅ


Message 469 of 8,313
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Re: Devils DownUnder Tag Request 2010

Hi everyone!

How big is an avatar?

Message 470 of 8,313
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