on โ04-04-2009 12:46 AM
on โ08-12-2013 11:26 PM
hi braff โฅ
glad to hear your boys are doing well ... although the wrist injury isnt good ... but will heal with rest .... and he can do that on holiday ๐
good that you will see them over christmas .... as it should be ๐
nice that missy is doing well in her job ... takes a weight off your mind knowing she is going beautifully ...
I still have the little black spots across my vision .... and its still a tad blurry in the centre ... but no shadows from the top down over the eye ...,which is good ... means its not heading to a retina detachment ... which I certainly dont want ever !
I also have private cover and get a new pair of glasses for free every year .... now I have one for the computer area, one in the lounge, one in my work bag and two in my 'going out bag' .... so if a pair breaks Im set ... just grab one from somewhere else LOL ... I dont need them for driving ... only for reading ... so sunglasses wouldnt be beneficial for me ...
my missy has finished derby for the year ... they may have a scrimmage (mini bout) next weekend ... but wont be back into it until after the new year ...
Im at a different centre now ... and will be there until my holiday .... barring the xmas & new years week - when Im back to my home centre to cover the managers holidays ...
so hoping this mob pay me properly ... or Im not gonna be happy .
I took my mum and her best friend out yesterday ... went to get some new pants for work ... I call her my aunt as I grew up next door to them and it was they way we were in those days .... anyway her son owns Friends Restaurant in the Hyatt Hotel in Perth .... where Damien performs sometimes .... she was telling me that the man who wrote songs for roy orbison contacted damien and wants to write some songs for him for his albums ... I thought this was amazing ... and I told her I would tell you as you are a big fan and have met him heaps (as has she - every time hes at the restaurant shes also there) ...
anyway dinner is calling .... take care ... I will pop back most weekends ... if you dont come back will wish you a very merry christmas and safe new year โฅโฅ
on โ09-12-2013 01:19 AM
I'm back. I came in to turn the computer off after the backup had been done and thought I would pop into eBay again and check the Forum. Only this one and MsCats so I saw your post.
Yes, Damien and Joe Melson have been writing songs together for over a year now. Some co-writing was done in Nashville and other than that they do it via Skype on Wednesdays at 10.30am
Two of the songs on the album are co-written with Joe. There was a nice article about the partnership
If the link doesn't work, please copy and paste it.
It is ironic because Joe wrote 'Crying' with Roy and now with Damien he has written 'I Can Stop You Crying'
Damien was part of the Late News on Ten on Thursday night. There was an interview during the news and then at the end he sang I Can Stop You Crying. Take a few minutes to have a watch/listen. The interview is good. Talks a bit about the co-writing.
The other song 'Faith In Me' is really lovely and I requested it on Friday night. It was just Damien and his guitarist.
I also called the neighbours Aunt or Mrs ??. None of this first name business. When my kids were little they would call my friends Mrs Ruth, Mrs Ros, Mr Richard etc. Even now they still often call them by those names.
I remember a few years ago when a neigbours 5 or 6 year old child came into my home and called me by my Christian name. I was shocked because I had never told him my name and my children always called his mother Mrs Surname.
Ah! I had better be getting to bed. It is 1.19 am her now.
Have a great week and keep that coutdown going down.
on โ09-12-2013 02:23 AM
LOL .... was doing the exact same thing ... checking to sign out before I go to bed ... its 11.20pm here ...
will check out the links during this week sometime ... better get to bed ...
our neighbours were always auntie .... never their first name ever ... or in some cases it was mrs brown or whatever ... still never their first names ... polite manners ...
I get used to being called by my name as all the children from older babies to school aged children call me by it ... as do all the parents ... mind you I do get tired of hearing it some days ... LOL .... when I have a whinging child nagging at me all day ... ๐
anyway have a great week ... bye โฅ
on โ14-12-2013 07:26 PM
hi braff .... โฅ
hope the week has been good to you ....
still working overtime ... sheesh ... but the holiday is getting closer and closer LOL
bluddy hot over here .... nothing changes sadly .... would be nice if we actually had some spring weather for a change .... only good thing is my solar panels will be grabbing all that sun and whipping it off my bill ... (I hope) ... LOL
well off to do some washing ... too hot to do much else sadly .... have a great week ...
on โ22-12-2013 04:03 PM
hey braff ... hope this finds you well ๐
Ive been off work from wednesday and will go back to work tomorrow ... I have had (and I suppose still have) shingles .... not very pleasant ... but on anti virals so they seem to be working nicely ...fingers crossed they continue to get rid of it so its gone for xmas ...
only working mon & tues this coming week ... owner of the centre has closed all his centres on the friday ... to give his staff a 5 day break over xmas .... so thats just what I need before I go on holiday .... in 25 days .... woohoo !!
hope you get to see all your children for xmas whether its on skype or in person .... I probably wont be back before xmas .... so will wish you and your family and safe & happy xmas ....โฅ
on โ29-12-2013 11:53 PM
hi braff โฅ
hope your christmas was a nice one and your new year also be great ...
my shingles is almost gone (thank goodness) ... so feeling much better ....
not long to go now only 18 days until I go away on my holiday ..... its moving up quickly ...
have a great week ... โฅ
on โ04-01-2014 04:23 PM
Hi Peela
Time is going by so quickly.
Thank you for the Christmas and New Year wishes and of course, the same sentiment is sent your way.
My two boys came home for Christmas. #1 son goes back to Brisbane tonight and #2 son has secured another job, this time in Port Hedland so he had to rearrange his return travel from Sydney. I think he originally was going back tomorrow or Monday but left last Monday instead. He was due to fly to PH last Tuesday the 31st but the flight was cancelled due to Cyclone Christine. He now flies to PH this coming Tuesday. He could've stayed in Sydney and caught his original flight back to Perth. Oh well! You don't know these things in advance.
It was nice seeing them both although we didn't see too much of them.
My #1 daughter went to Brisbane for Christmas but was home again on the 27th so I saw her for her birthday.
Missy was here but having the boyfriend now we rarely see her.
I spent NYE at home alone. MrBraff started work at 8pm so I had a couple of glasses of ginger beer and a small bowl of lollies, watched the TV willing midnight to come so that I could go to bed. I must say that the midnight Sydney fireworks were outstanding. Normally they don't look as good on TV as they do in person so I can only imagine how brilliant they would have been to see live.
Have you packed yet? Getting very close now.
Due to my not coming onto eBay much I will wish you a fantastic time away now just so that I don't miss out on saying it.
Gosh, that's no good about the shingles although at least they are going away.
I have heard that it is extremely painful and you have to make sure that they don't form a ring around your body.
Had there been an outbreak of chicken pox at the Centres before you came down with the Shingles?
I hope your Missy is going ok and she is getting lots of fun and practice in her car.
Take care Peela..............counting down..........
on โ04-01-2014 10:54 PM
hi braff โฅ
glad you got to see all the children over xmas/new year ... we spent xmas day at mums and then at one of my sisters houses with all the nieces/nephews .... always a great night to catch up with them all ... seeing as our two youngest are turning 18 this year ๐
no breakout at work .... doctor said you can only get shingles if you had chicken pox as a youngster (which I did obviously) and it lies dormant in your nerve endings and then it may or may not appear as shingles ... she also said its caused by working long hours and not sleeping properly (explains my life perfectly LOL) .... so that combo was definitely my life the last few months LOL .... and yes it is quite painful although I did get it early and got the anti viral pills to help out, but I do have a high pain threshhold so it wasnt as bad(in my opinion) as I had heard... but a friends sons has been put into hospital with his outbreak ... so it must be quite serious for some people ... but now I only have two small patches of rash on my right breast .... the rest has gone completely - thank goodness !
my new years eve was spent babysitting for a girl I work with ... she has a 13 mth old baby boy ... and as I was only gonna sit on my couch ... I though may as well get paid to sit on her couch LOL .... so was there until 3am .... and got some spending money for my holiday ... ๐ ... also babysat for a parent at work on the sunday before from 9.30am to about 3.30pm as they went to the hopman cup tennis tournament in perth .... so more spending money ..... Ive babysat for this parent a few times before ... they dont have any rellies in WA so she asked me at work one day if I could do it ... the little girl is 3.5yrs old and no problem .. so its easy money for me to be honest LOL ...
havent packed anything yet ... but making lists now of things I have to remember to take with me LOL .... wont pack until the night before ... never do ... but I will stack things in the one place in preparation ....
missy is driving with no problems at all ... getting her car serviced when its supposed to be done ..... and tells me stories of people driving up the back of her and trying to get her to go faster .... but she sticks to the speed limit ... shes not getting a ticket just cos they are impatient ... and she actually finds it hilarious the way they act .... she is much more confident with her driving also ....
spent the day at mums today ... helping her make up some meals for missy to have whilst we are away .... mum made her 20 meals .... some lasagne (missys fave meal) and some chicken & veg with rice meals .... she cooked and I dished up and cleaned up ... and now its all in the freezer awaiting my departure LOL ..... we are gone 22 days so she will really only need to grab a couple of meals as mum as made enough for most of the time we are away ..... missy pays for them ... gives mum some money and she gets al she needs .... a pretty good deal to be certain ๐
I will pop back in next weekend ...but that may be the last time until I get back ... take care of yourself ... โฅ
on โ11-01-2014 10:51 PM
hey braff.... hope this finds you in good health ....
well goodness me ...,. another week over and done with .... and my holiday is creeping ever closer .....
only worked on monday this week ... and only booked for monday next week ... but thats ok ... it was either work the whole week + half this week coming and get the manager in trouble with HO and her wages (as she didnt need me) or tell her its ok dont worry about the booking Im cool with it .... and spend the week at home .... LOL .... hard decision ,... would have been easier had I been paid to stay home ... but never mind tis ok ...
I outta here on friday morning at 9.10am to fly out to thailand - then head off to pattaya once we arrive ... so wont be in here until I get back on the 8th february .... and then only to say hi when I get a chance ๐
take care and I hope you and mr braff arent melting away in the heat as we are over here in the west .....
on โ14-02-2014 07:52 PM
it saddens me to think this once bustling thread has died barring my posts and braff's posts ..... but as I rarely come into the discussion boards now .... with work and facebook being the place everyone has moved to ..... I think this will be my last visit to here as well ... sad but cant talk to myself forever .... ๐
my holiday was great ... had a ball ... bought heaps and have now given most of it away ... half the fun of shopping overseas ... is looking for pressies for all your family n friends ... you bring a bulging suitcase or two back ... and are left with very little for yourself ... but it brings me pleasure seeing the looks on their faces when they get their pressies โฅ
I will post here ... that my niece attends Perth Academy of Dance ... and for all performances they are required to wear false eyelashes .... which cost anywhere from $9 - $15 per pair ๐ฎ ... plus glue .... so I hunted down some for her as thailand is the capital of the 'boy/girl' world ... ๐ .... so eyelashes are a big part of their makeup ....
I managed to get my niece 52 pairs .... plus 5 tubes of the glue .... and mostly they only cost me about 10bht = 35cents .... so she is set for a whole year ...if she only wears one pair a week LOL ....which she says she doesnt ... and she was amazed how cheap they were and what good quality they were .... the joy on her face was fabulous to see ... and as she is a poor dancing student needs all the help to save money where she can โฅ
so I will sign off now .... and say nice knowing you lot .... take care โฅ