Sending options

I sold an item and sent by your new company you are dealing with "Sendel" and they have not received it as yet, why so long and why are there no other options to send?  Not impressed and will not buy on again if there is not option on sending.


Order status: Paid
Item ID: 255196421335
Transaction ID: 2846548325015
Order number: 21-07848-59310
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What is the status of the item in your dashboard (local delivery, out for delivery, in transit, etc.)? What does the tracking say? When was it last updated? Where was the item going from and to? What was the estimated delivery date in your Sendle dashboard? What was the estimated delivery date on eBay? If the estimated dates have elapsed, have you made an enquiry through your dashboard?


If the dates haven't yet passed, you can still contact customer support via live chat and make an enquiry. They have exceptional customer support, so you should get an answer within a few minutes.