100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question

if youre eligible for the 40 freebies a month and get a 100 free listings offer


....and use the 100 freebies ..does that cancel out the 40 freebies for that month?


anyone?...does anyone know, do ebay know themselves?


....they wont answer me :tanti:X-(

Signatures suck.
Message 1 of 47
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Re: 100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question

I'm guessing  there would be many people now setting up side accounts to take advantage of the free listings.

Whatever works I say.

Message 41 of 47
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Re: 100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question

Please stop dragging up old threads. We all (board regulars) KNOW eBay gave out another lot of 5000 free listings to some sellers last week. And the fortnight before, the fortnight before that....


Given your complaint is the same on all these threads, do you think it will improve your chances of getting an offer by spamming the boards?


Btw MOST of these offers are for storeholders. Do you have a store?

Message 42 of 47
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Re: 100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question

The 100 free listings is a bonus and does not affect your 40 listings for the month.

ie: you get 140 listings free.

Message 43 of 47
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Re: 100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question


Message 44 of 47
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Re: 100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question

Did you read through 50 pages of threads to find this one? Why do people keep bumping up threads that are over a YEAR old? The amount of changes that occur on eBay, most of the time what was said in these old threads isn't how it works any more.


If you have something you want to say, start a new thread. Half the people that commented on this one aren't even on eBay any more.

Message 45 of 47
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Re: 100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question

If you use your listings when you get free ones. it comes off the promotional ones first, then the 40
Message 46 of 47
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Re: 100 free listing offers & the 40 free listings a month, question

@i-love-my-sheep wrote:

Did you read through 50 pages of threads to find this one? Why do people keep bumping up threads that are over a YEAR old? The amount of changes that occur on eBay, most of the time what was said in these old threads isn't how it works any more.


If you have something you want to say, start a new thread. Half the people that commented on this one aren't even on eBay any more.

Why do people (newer posters) bump threads that are from some time ago ??


I reckon cause they are not familiar with posting to the boards or the order in which threads can be selected to display when searching for topics etc etc.


Why do regular posters NOT GET THIS.



Message 47 of 47
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