on โ28-03-2016 06:21 PM
Not sure if others are experiencing problems with ebays Product Identifier. I find that my relisted items originally had 'Does not apply' under the UPC number option. If I don't check my relisted items, it may not relist if the UPC has dissappeared. This happens on a number of listings.
I changed mine in bulk on my listings originally and still it failed on numerous listings. There are obviously some sellers who list for 30 days and use the extra 3 months free listings. If they do not check their 3 - 6 hundred listings for product identifier, some may end due to the UPC number disappearing.
Are others finding that their listings ended, even though they knew they adjusted their product identiers to prevent ended listings.
on โ28-03-2016 07:29 PM
We have not had any listings ended because they are missing.
But when we had completed all our listings we noticed we had a few still missing.
We knew we had not forgotten any so we went back in and re-did those.
Of those still a few seemed to "lose" the data.
But since fixing them a couple of times it seems to have stuck.
on โ28-03-2016 08:36 PM
I haven't had any problems with the does not apply disappearing, but I've had a few items not auto relist because the photos have disappeared when they ended ready to auto relist.