on 20-06-2013 08:28 PM
I made a comment regarding how rude another Ebayer had been to a seller. I stated that their comment was rude and offensive and that if they couldn't say anything nice then not to say anything at all. I didn't realise that this was against Ebay rules particularly as the poster had made a number of rude comments.
I am guessing that when the moderators contacted me to remove my posting it was because I mentioned the posters name and I shouldn't have done that...
Well you know what Ebay that person was rude and there are many rude posters on Ebay. Not only do these posters not get their comments pulled Ebay seem to turn a blind eye.
I was not trying to be inappropriate in anyway and to be fair that's it....
All I can say is not almost done Ebay...completely done now...but wait they won't let me close my account for 30 just in case.....
on 20-06-2013 08:42 PM
It may not make you feel any better, but I'm willing to bet the following things:
Post don't get removed unless they are reported by a member
Reports are taken at face value and the moderation team do not even read the post they are removing
The email you receive notifying of a post's removal is automated based on the reason chosen by the reporter
I know being "told off" by the mod team can sting a bit, especially if you feel the slap was unjustified, and it sucks (IMO) that there is such a poor system of moderation on a forum of this size, but (again, JMHO) I'd take it about as personally as I take the automated phone messages say "thanks for holding, we value your custom..." IYKWIM.
on 20-06-2013 08:54 PM
DG is correct, only reports are actioned, ebay don't read the boards.
They are only a standard letter and what often happens is if the rude person was reported, then everyone else that has commented on the situation also gets a warning. Definitely nothing personal.
Still hope to see you back after your holiday from here. 😉
on 21-06-2013 06:27 AM
OP, don't be disheartened. We all get slaps from the moderators from time to time.
I saw the post you are referring to, and if it helps, I agreed with you.
There are so very rude and obnoxious people here and they often drive away others. Don't let them drive you away too.
You didn't do anything wrong. You were just calling it like you seen it.
Stay. You'll learn to ignore them like most of us do 🙂
on 21-06-2013 06:27 AM
there are some* - that should have read.
on 21-06-2013 08:11 AM
I could wall paper my office with my slaps if I printed them out (or even bothered to read them)
Take heart OP - the Slap Club is not exclusive there are many members 😄
on 21-06-2013 05:39 PM
Well slap me. Took you long enough. I was almost right about 600.
on 21-06-2013 06:35 PM
I understand completely how you feel. There are people who post on these eBay forums who do little else but act like the Devil's advocate and/or act like bullies all day long. Some are tagged the eBay Forum Mafia due to the way they troll or back eBay to the hilt no matter how bad the eBay experience has been for someone. Some are very rude and all you can do is report them too, as I have done in the past.
on 21-06-2013 06:52 PM
I understand completely how you feel. There are people who post on these eBay forums who do little else but act like the Devil's advocate and/or act like bullies all day long. Some are tagged the eBay Forum Mafia due to the way they troll or back eBay to the hilt no matter how bad the eBay experience has been for someone.
Well said. It's been going on for so long now, but anyone who has been here for a while can see it so disregard their comments. It is meant to be a discussion forum, not a child's playground!
on 21-06-2013 09:00 PM
Thank you soooo much guys, it was lovely to hear that there are other like minded, generous people on Ebay.
Perhaps I am feeling jaded and need time out, but thank you for your advice it is much appreciated.
Cheers, Lisa.