Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....

Last week after earlier refunding a nice customer, the letter then shows up after 28 days and it only went 40km.

Now i get 2 more today asking where there letters are after 2 weeks in the post, one 50km away and the other 15km.

Auspost has a recording saying there are delays but this is rediculous. There goes my top rating...

Ebay should send out a blanket email when this happens so people know.


And on top of that domestic sales are way down.... Did someone drop the ball......Usually so calm but getting really P#$%&** off now.


Its making selling here so not worth it.

Message 1 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

@jfmgray wrote:

Hang in with your large letter items.  Not sure if it the same for you and others but my issue seems to be the week commencing 17 October 2016.  I have contacted buyers of 100 items I posted that week and most still have not arrived (except for international and express).  Since then I have increased my handling time and added priority stickers (50 cents out of pocket) and items are turning up seemingly OK if posted since 24 October.  Can't believe Australia Post can't find (or won't admit to finding) the problem.  At best I wll lose my top rated seller status on 20 November when all the late delivery defects kick in but they drop off after 3 months. 

I started keeping a record of missing items since the 26th of September. 22 I have so far. I got another two messages since my last post yesterday. Smiley Sad

Maybe I should send AP an invoice for all the missing items. Lol.

Message 51 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

Does anyone find that using priority stamps on large letters will improve the problem?
Message 52 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

A question about handling times given the recent spate of APost delivery delays...

I notice quite a lot of people are increasing their handling time to preserve their Top Rated Seller status. I was under the impression that one of the criteria for Top Rated status was to provide 1 day or less handling time (amongst other things). Maybe I don't understand it properly, but by increasing your handling time aren't you automatically voiding the status anyway? 

Message 53 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

Extending handling time does not affect top rated seller status.  The level or percentage of defects does affect (ie over 5% of late shipment defects will cause you to lose TRS status).  You are thinking of eBay Premium Service badge that is attached to individual listings if you are a TRS and offer 1 day or less handling time, 30 day returns, free postage and an express postage option

Message 54 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

Ahh yup. Thanks jfmgray for clearing that up.

So other than potentially higher rankings in the mysterious 'Best Match' lotto, what are the benefits of Top rated Seller Status?

Message 55 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

I do! I now use a priority sticker on all my large letters sent & I am getting feedback saying "quick postage". It does seem to bring delivery times back to what it used to be... Just build the 50c into your sale price.

Message 56 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

Wow! Just got back from doing the post office with my deliveries and another two messages asking where their items are. This is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC AUSTRALIA POST! I commend you for a job well done of stuffing up your already overpriced service. Absolute morons!

Message 57 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

@stylesilver wrote:

I do! I now use a priority sticker on all my large letters sent & I am getting feedback saying "quick postage". It does seem to bring delivery times back to what it used to be... Just build the 50c into your sale price.

That is exactly what the priority sticker is designed to do.

AP has always said that the priority sticker would keep delivery dates the same as what they were before the introduction of the sticker.

Unstickered mail would be slower.


The biggest problem I have found (not personally but anecdotally) is that most of the utilities do not use priority mail and those who still get paper bills are finding they have very little time to pay...if the bills even arrive before the due date.

Two of my elderly neighbours have had this happen in the last few weeks alone....I have suggested that they speak to their children and get online bills but they are not too keen...they say it takes away their independence and I agree.  None of us likes to be dependent on others to conduct our lives.

Message 58 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

"So other than potentially higher rankings in the mysterious 'Best Match' lotto, what are the benefits of Top rated Seller Status?"


Good question.  Providing you do not fall to "below standard" I am not sure there is any other impact.  If you get to "below standard" then your account can be restricted or suspended.


For me however, I do very well out of "best match" and for that reason I do not want to lose TRS.  No idea though if buyers use best match ahead of other search options like lowest selling price.  Best match is the default search so I assume some buyers would just scroll down the first page of best match results to select a purchase.

Message 59 of 73
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Re: Auspost taking weeks to deliver domestic letters....Sales way down....

Very interesting.  A customer just sent me a message.  His item has been missing in action for the last two weeks.  He went to his local post office today and there it was!!  The post office told him they only deliver now when they have enough mail for a specific area and hold onto deliveries otherwise.  If this is a recent and widespread practice change, I think we may have found an answer to our current situation.

Message 60 of 73
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