Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

This could have resulted in a lost postal item but due to the honesty of a good person did not.


We sent out a $12 item by regular mail (untracked) just before easter.

Today we received an email from a person to say she had received a package for a person who does not reside at her address.

The address we mailed to was U6 / 53-55 "A" Street, Hunters Hill

The recipient said she lives at U6 / 53-55 "B" Street, Hunters Hill.

Same Unit/Street number wrong street name.

Quick look on Google maps showed the two near identical addresses only about 150-metres apart.

I contacted the buyer about it who had not yet contacted us about a missing item.

She was very friendly about it and since it was not far away said she would be happy to go and retrieve it.

The recipient said its OK she will take a walk around and hand deliver it in person.

Fortunately I had a contact info (advertising) sheet included inside the envelope. The recipient had opened it up and found this so that is how she was able to make contact with us by email.


How good are some people hey?

I thanked her profusely and offered her to take a look on our web site and choose a free item for her honesty and efforts.


Just shows how closely AP posties read the address labels. Near enuff is good enuff.

Good outcome in the end. But could just as easily have turned out very badly.

Message 1 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

@crazyplacecostumes wrote:


@i-love-my-sheep wrote:

@crazyplacecostumes wrote:

We have found e-go and Hunter's one of the least reliable couriers we have used. City or elsewhere. 

Good onya Crazy, that's going to set the thread on fire now!!! 😄 😄 😄

Sorry it's true. We've tried a few different ones and e-go is  . . .umm . . .a painfully unreliable system and Hunters? Pfft. Does anyone else not remember the great Target Christmas Toy Sale Delivery Debacle (that's probably spelt wrong but I couldn't give a toss)? 


Too many lost, late, damaged, untrackable items for us. Too many 'cards left' that weren't, plus they have a tendency to use flat bed trucks instead of Pantechs which means a higher rate of damage by water / rain. 

But Joe said they are the best in the world, so it must be true. He would never speak an untruth or fabricate anything! Given I have never neard of them and there are no depots anywhere near me, I might have to start using them because Joe said so. The nearest depot is 4 .5 hours away, so no problem to just slip down and pick up a parcel.


Plus, out of 214 reviews on Product Review, they rate 1.5 stars out of 5, that's good enough for me! Obviously as reliable as they come!!! 


sarcasm (1).gif

Message 21 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

I've love to see them deliver something to Australind WA or Derby WA in 3 days. Now that would be impressive. 


Impossible, but impressive!

Message 22 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

@joethenuts wrote:

well i am sure this post was not about your postie  ,this one got the street wrong    what a joke

No, and it wasn't about your beloved courier service know the one, the one that rates 1.5 out of 5 stars.

Message 23 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

Gawd .... the AP apologists are almost worse than eBay apologists like yourself Joe




Message 24 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

tell us the truth sheep  how long does it take to send a parcel  to anywere in australia  on average.

Message 25 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

@joethenuts wrote:

tell us the truth sheep  how long does it take to send a parcel  to anywere in australia  on average.

What has that got to do with AP delivering to a wrong address?

Message 26 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

well you recken they do such a great job , i dont care what you use ,you could use a horse and cart , who cares ,but the way you have been posting your talking about 5 to 7 days , well i will stick to what i like and thats aprox on average 27 hours , i even have my last 3 parcel tracking numbers available on the buyers section of the post, if you are happy with yours good luck .

Message 27 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

@joethenuts wrote:

 i even have my last 3 parcel tracking numbers available on the buyers section of the post, if you are happy with yours good luck .

Do you mean you have not self reported the post with the tracking numbers in it?

You do realise that anyone who takes up your invitation to look at the tracking has full access to all your buyers, address and phone number.

That is pretty poor form on a public forum.

Just because you don't care that the whole world can see you details does not mean that your buyer feels the same way.

Message 28 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

well there is no details on buyer and sender on the tracking now if you are a hacker and hack into it ,then thats against the law, 

remember i dont hide from anything ,you should know that by now   have a nice day

Message 29 of 49
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Re: Australia Post Delivers to Wrong Address

Whilst I guess my OP kinda bagged AP a little for getting the street wrong....

the reality is that we use AP to send 100% of our items. And overall we are quite happy.

Apart from high cost about to get even higher it seems. But that's another whole story!


We send out around 15 packages per day, mostly large letter with no tracking.

It has been 2-months now (a bit over actually) since we have had to send out a replacement due to an item being lost in the post.

By my calcs that's somewhere near 1 in 1000 lost. Or 0.1%.

Now I'd have to say that's a pretty good average really.


My OP was more about pointing out that it's nice to see an honest person in the world who took some trouble/time to let us know where the lost article was.

Message 30 of 49
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