Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

Saw a strange one today. ( Saturday ) An Australia Post van pulled up at a private residence in our street, with the roller door up, unloading boxes into the garage. I could see one wall of the garage was stacked with boxes & parcels small and large. ( and nothing else ) The house is not currently occupied. I know there could be a thousand plausable reasons. Maybe he is moving in ????  ( No furniture to be seen anywhere though ) . Maybe it is just boxes of junk from his own garage and hes using the other garage as storage ?????  It did seem a little strange though and maybe I,m getting paranoid, but the van driver sure gave me the eyeball as I went past. ( It could have been something to do with me staring at what he was doing ) .

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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

Yeah? Sounds a bit different. My Aus Post parcel fellow would not load them into my garage if I were not home. Nor would he have access to my garage,


Maybe you should ask the PO why that would be.

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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

report him. If he's legit, you have done the right thing. And can expect to not get any parcels delivered or carded for the rest of your life.


If he's not, he should be looking for a new job.


BUT - Where is the van parked? How do you know the property is unoccupied?

Message 3 of 13
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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

People who live in a street do know if a house is unoccupied.


To the OP:


Were the things in the garage just boxes or did they look like postal items?

Message 4 of 13
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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

I only got a glimpse of  what was in the garage. It was a stack along one wall around 1.2 mtrs. high of assorted sized boxes mainly,  ( big and small ) but could well have had parcels in the stack as well as it was all just piled up. All of the items looked small enough to meet Aust. Post size limits. ie. Nothing too big. They where all nice fresh cardboard, ( not like the dusty old cardboard boxes in my shed. ) I could not see any obvious Australia post stickers. I really dont know what it was I was seeing, just didnt quite look right to me. There could well be a perfectly normal explanation. I live in a reasonably small reagonal centre and dont want to make any accusations without good grounds.

Message 5 of 13
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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

Could just be boxes full of household goods as he is probably about to move in

Message 6 of 13
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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

I hope so. Will keep an eye on the place over the next few weeks and hopefully have a new reliable postie a few houses up the street.

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

Community Member

should be reported NOW...awhile back on tv they showed a postie who stacked mail,parcels etc in his roof ceiling here in australia.cant remember the state...NOT saying all posties do this but the potential to do so is there.

report them NOW..if they are doing no illegal activity its all good.but if they are up to no good..mmmm, ???



Message 8 of 13
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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

One of my posties did this years ago.

Taking the mail home as it was too much bother.

Maybe keep a bit of an eye out to see what is happening, in case he is moving in...if you are uncomfortable reporting it straight away.

If the other boxes were unmarked could be moving boxes.

With the furniture and larger items to be delivered professionally.

But I would not leave it too long, you know?


Buttercup: You mock my pain! Man in Black: Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something.
Message 9 of 13
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Re: Australia Post Van driver unloading parcels at home ???

Community Member

You would have complete anonymity should you did report this - and I agree with other posters - DO IT!!!  If he happens to be using an Aust Post van to put items into a garage of a property that he is going to rent/has bought, so be it.  The worst he is going to get is a rap over the knuckles for using an AP van for personal use.  


You do need to report this.  Then it is up to the van driver to explain why.



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