Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

Posted the following on AP facebook page. I wonder what the excuse is.


Australia Post appears to have a BLACK HOLE, as far as items sent standard post are concerned. During the last 12 months I have had 12 items go missing never to be seen again. During the past few weeks alone 3 have disappeared, with the number of lost items increasing during the lead up to Christmas.

I personally drop my off at my local post office each day so there is no third party involved. I hand it over the counter and assume from then on, it is in safe and honest hands.

I realise that there is no tracking on standard post and I don’t believe I should have to pay extra to ensure my mail is delivered. It should be a given that the service you have paid for is performed quickly and efficiently. But I would like to understand where my mail has gone. What possible explanations AP has for this costly mystery and what actions are being taken to assure customers that the items they post are in safe hands.

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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

AP has more than one "black hole"  Chullora is one Sunshine West is another and I think Underwood comes into it as well.


They are all automated sorting centres and have been very problematic for a few years now, with AP unable or unwilling to do anything about them. 


"Start me up I'll never stop......"
Message 2 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

Interesting! But the question still applies, if they go in what happens to them. If they are inappropriatly redirect to another sorting centre then they should eventually return and get processed properly.


Makes you wonder,  all this mail going around and around and never comming out again. At least a black hole eventually spit it out.

Message 3 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

It may not be entirely AP's fault.


I suspect the problem has got a lot worse since ebay revised its resolution centre policies, ensuring any buyer who claims not to have recieved an untracked item, automatically recieves their money back. Claims for " lost" items have become much more common recently. I recently had a buyer almost gloating that he was going to put in a claim if I did not refund, and there was basically nothing I could do about it. He wasnt blatent enough to get caught, but the inference was there.


Since then I have been putting fake tracking number stickers on my large letters. Its too early to make any definative claims about how this is going, but at this stage it does look promising.

Message 4 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

as far as i know AP doesnt release figures for how many 'letters' go missing each year so we the public dont know how bad the problem is.


of course AP offer the basic untracked service and get hundreds of thousands of items posted that way knowing if something goes 'missing' AP can just say well its untracked we cant help you.


what AP is doing is creating a situation forcing customers to 'buy' tracking in order to have some idea of where an item might be when its not where its supposed to be.


we do know APs standard letter mail is losing money


i suspect AP would like all mail to be tracked because it doesnt cost hardly any more to put a tracking number into the system, certainly not as much as we pay to have tracking. so more profit for AP.


thats my thoughts on it anyway.

Message 5 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

Community Member
Their shifty tactics worked on me. They lost a parcel of mine about five years ago and I've been sending "signature on delivery" ever since. So they are reaping the rewards of their dodgy service ever since.
Hear, hear. Well done Australia post. Way to make money!
Message 6 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

I partially agree. There are definetly some that will have a go. Unfortunetally this has been a problem since before the changes, only difference is now you have no choice but to refund.


I used to post in street boxes but too mant items were going missing so I opened an AP account now everything had a postage paid stamp and has to be taken to the post office. (cheaper postage cost are a bonus). Less item went missing but still a problem.


I like your solution, but as I have to take items to the post office I think they might question fake stickers.


Ideally I would like AP to recognise they have a problem whether it be faults equipment or sticky fingers and do something about it, but I guess I might be waiting a long timer.


Message 7 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

I suspect they have no idea how many letters go missing each year if they don't have tracking. No way to know.


I wonder how many people complain when something goes missing. Porbably not that many have the time to sit in a phone que for ages. I have, and I have even spoken to the Dead Letter Office. Total waste of time. 

Message 8 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

It's a bit like protection money businesses paid to stand over merchants in the old ganster movies.

Gimme more and i'll make sure it's delivered!


Message 9 of 20
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Australia Post's Black Hole Has My Mail

Interesting, my post to AP facebook page is not visible.


It appears they don't show posts that criticise them in any way. They only seen to show  general "how can I"  type questions and happy, happy posts.


Why am I surprised?


Message 10 of 20
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